-Chapter 17-

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...you ran back inside the house right passed Ian and Carl and you started to cry. You ran to Carl's room and hid under his bed crying. Carl was about to run upstairs to find you but Ian stopped him, he said "maybe I should handle this one and before you says anything I know your her boyfriend but I'm also her best friend and sometimes people need Break from you. I know I do", Carl responded with a "fuck you I'm going", Ian said "I'm serious, why do you think she went and hid instead of going to you or even me". Ian walked upstairs and looked in his room, you had heard him walk in so you tried to be as quiet as possible but a sniffle got passed you. Ian kneeled down and looked under Carl's bed. He said "what are you doin down there", Ian got up and sat on the bed. You got out from under the bed and got on the bed, you put your head in Ian's lap as he plaid with your long beautiful hair. He asked you what happened and you rolled onto your back saying "he got out" with a serious look in your eyes while your lip quivered. Ian gently moved your head off his lap and downstairs and ran back up with the bat saying "imma beat his ass, was he the one sending that thing to you and harassing you". You shrugged. He yelled " IS HE THE FUCKING ONE WHO SENT THAT ASS HOLE TO HARASS YOU" you looked at him scared and slightly nodded. He ran so fucking fast, you ran after him yelling no. Carl saw you and grabbed you because he didn't want you getting hurt.
You started to cry and you and Carl fell to the ground. You got up quick when Carl was distracted and ran outside to see Ian going crazy breaking the windows of your dads house. You ran up to him and grabbed him. You turned him around hugging him and held his face. He started to cry, you walk him back home still hugging him. You see tears fall down his face, as you walked in the house he turned and hugged you really tightly.
That's when you realized how afraid Ian was of himself. You brought him up to his room and he lied down and fell asleep quickly. You stayed in the room with him so when he woke up you where there..........

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