-Chapter 3-

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Fast forward 1 month: you and Carl were lying in his bed cuddling because you had a cold. You and him started to talk and he started to flirt with you more than his creep sort of talk and you said "what the fucks up with you" in a more calm way than it sounds and he said after you said what you said "nothing why the fuck would you ask that" alittle suspiciously! You said "well your acting a little wierd lately" he says after you "well I'm just trying to be nice to the sweet lil baby that you are" in a baby voice. You yelled at him because he was being a dick and Debbie heard, she yelled at Carl because she thought it was him he yelled "it wasn't fuckin me you dumb bitch"! She stormed into his room so fast and hit him with a bat that he had barely any time to move, but instead of him moving to protect himself he rolled partway on top of you to protect you because he didn't want you to get hurt  because Debbie thought he sounded like a girl! You start laughing really hard because Debbie thought Carl sounded like a girl, Carl tickled you and said "ohh shut up and let's go to sleep I'm tired". You agreed and you fell asleep in his arms.
While you and Carl where sleeping (you and him where still cuddling) Debbie dragged Fiona into Carl's room and said I told you they where dating, Fiona smirked and said " look at his wrist", Debbie looked and said "what about it". Fiona said "there's a friendship bracelet that y/n made for him on it", "ohhhhh, I get it he likes her and she's sick so he comforting her I'm a flirty way" said Debbie in a giggly way!
Fiona looked at Debbie and said "let's let them sleep, I'm glad he's sleeping and not hitting in some girl and creeping them out"! Fast forward 2 hours: you wake up and start playing with Carl's hair because his arms are wrapped around and he is still asleep.
He finally wakes up around 7 minutes later and asks what you are doing, so you tell him the truth "I'm playing with your fuckin hair" you smile* and then spit in his face and run! He chases after you. You end up running outside and you run 2 blocks and Carl is still chasing you. you realized that Carl was wearing spider man boxers and one of Lips old Britney Spears t-shits, you stop and start laughing because the popular girls are not to far ahead walking towards them. Carl stopped and asked why you where laughing and all you could say was "look down" (she says that with a smile on her face). Carl said to y/n "OH SHIT". As he goes to run home you realize your wearing one of his giant hoodies so you give it to him to wear home. You walk home to you house for the first time in three days with your parents laughing on your porch because they saw Carl run right into his house in a panic, as you mom was giggling she ask what was going on and you said "well we were sleeping because I'm not feeling very well and we were cuddling I woke before him and I was playing with his hair, he ended up waking up and he asked me what I was doing so I told him the truth..." your father says "well what was the truth" and then you said well I said "I'm playin with you fuckin hair" and then I spit in his face and ran!
"So you were messing around like you always do" said your mother.

When I meet Carl Gallagherحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن