Why not give me a second chance

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Erza P.O.V

I was walking down the hall looking at the class but I just want to go outside and relaxed and try to clear mind out of things.

Jellal P.O.V

I was walking down the hall when I saw Ezra looking at the class but I knew where she going. She looks cute when I saw her standing there. I walk up to her. "Hey Erza, I was thinking if you wanted to talk and become friends again," I said to her.

Erza P.O.V

"No, I'm not going to talk to you but we can be friends but I'm not going to talk to you a lot or give you a chance friend.". I said and I walked away from him and didn't look back at all.

Jellal P.O.V

I turned around and walked with my head down. I walked with a tear down my eye that I will never ever forget what Ezra said to me. I walk to my house and went to my room. I sat on my bed and cry because of Ezra not giving me a second chance. Just becoming my friend only.

Erza P.O.V

I hurt Jellal feelings for what I said to him. This chance I wanted to say yes but I couldn't just go right ahead, I had to start as a friend and figured out if he changed or not because I will get hurt again by him. I won't take that chance again.

True Love (NALU JERZA GRUVIA GAJLEVYWhere stories live. Discover now