Authors Note

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Hello, it's ya gurl VJB Dragneel

It is my first fanfiction or how i like to call it my stories...It is fanfiction isn't it?

Well, do enjoy this stories, i will try my very best to be posting every the very least, but i have terrible memory so if this story happens to be stopped for a month. 

I probably forgot (-_-;)

Anyway so enjoy..oh and i forgot to say..i am sorry for my writing skills..i am working on it (You so aren't (*_*))

Oh and meet Misty,  (my friend (Hey (^_^)), she's more nicer..or ruder..IDK (>D<)

Yeah enjoy!! (6_6)

Misty Dragneel signing out (4_4)


Authors Note


Any time skip would either be in brackets or an asterisk

Any POVs would be in Brackets 

Alvinnn and the Chipmunks (Oneshots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora