The 88 Heavely Stars ☄️ Chapter 21

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Narrators POV:
Back to present time, Nathan is still continuing journey through the trail. Carefully inspecting the footprints in front of him, he is unaware of the danger that awaits him.

Nathan's POV:

So far there's been no sign of Andrea. Well, other than her footsteps. I've been walking for what seems to be an hour, although it's probably been 20 minutes. The sun has gradually started to set over the course of the time I've spent out here. The brush and trees around me have settled a bit which had caused everything here to become more quiet. Almost too quiet. I've been feeling a little on edge considering Andrea should've made it back by now. I'm surprised I haven't seen her on the trail yet. My suspicions from earlier are now starting to arise. In all honesty, I think something happened to her. Something bad. Could my theory about being watched be true? Wait, am I experiencing the feeling now? I've been so caught up with looking for Andrea that I really haven't been paying too much attention to my surroundings.

The increasing thoughts of the inevitable doom that might be awaiting me at the end of the trail is now getting to me. I'm out here all by myself. I should've had Noen come along. Ugh. Why did Aaron have to make the situation awkward? Now here I am in the middle of the woods, heading down a foreign trail where I don't even know if I'll find Andrea. This is all getting to be a little too much. You know what? I'll just summon Leo. Maybe his company will make me feel a little bit more safe.

I reach down into my pocket and pull out my collection of keys. Carefully picking up Leo's, I hold it in front of me and chant.


The all too familiar flash of golden light illuminated the trail and area surrounding me. After the sound of a doorbell subsided, there in front of me stood the lion spirit.

"Hey, miss me?" He asks in a sultry tone.

I shake my head and continue walking past him.

"Aw come on!" He calls from behind me.

"I only called you because it's getting dark and I'm seriously freaked out about this whole situation." I admit.

He catches up to me and starts walking beside me,
"Understandable, anyways have you tried calling her?"

"What do you mean?"

"Calling her name as your walking...."

Oh. That's actually not a terrible idea.

"Uh, no. But i'll do that now."

"ANDREA!" I called out.

"ANDREA WHERE ARE YOU?!!!" I yelled into the woods.

Nothing. Just nothing. Great.

"Well that did absolutely nothing-" I say but before I could finish, Leo quiets me.

He holds his finger up to his lips, motioning for me to be silent. I try to focus my hearing to find out what it was that had caught his attention. After a long period of silence, I came to the conclusion that nothing was there. Had he misheard something?

"Uh Leo-" I mutter.

I could now feel it, something near me was sending out giant waves of magic energy. I've never felt this type of magic energy before. As I stood in disbelief at the feeling I had just received, Leo sprang in action. Stepping in front of me, he held his hands up, straight towards the direction of the trail in front of us. Almost instantly a yellow sphere had formed around us. Not too long after, there were giant explosions going off in the area around us. As each explosion struck the sphere, I could hear the loud collisions bouncing off the walls of the bubble. The seismic vibrations nearly caused me to fall over. To avoid collapsing, I held onto Leo as he continued to hold his hands in front of him as a means to keep the sphere from breaking. The explosions continued to pummel the sphere for a few more seconds. Once the attack stopped, giant clouds of dust surrounded us.

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