"You are pretty, my little baby love!" He makes my heart flutter by saying the same thing which he is repeating everyday since being in relationship. He squeezed my cheeks for making my lips pouty and giving peck on it. I gave a crescent smile but traveled my hands from his neck to the abs for support and kissed his throat. "Break fast is already ready, let's take it otherwise it'll be cold." I said almost like whispering as he was not moving away from me. "Okay!" As he said I tried to get off from the platform by pushing him back but he blocked me to my surprise. "Hm? Let me go. I need to put it on the table." A smile formed slowly on his face as he was thinking something weird. "Noo! Let's take it here." He is in mood just in morning. "Like this? Here?"

"Hmm!" I didn't say anything much but bring the breakfast nearer to us so can put it in the plate and eat it. His hands hugged me by my waist for staying close as much as he can and I extended my hand to have him a bite of it. "Mm~ delicious as always. Take it." I smiled at him when he said but also give a bite. "Did you get proper breakfast there everyday?" I asked while chewing and looking at him. "Sometime yes and sometimes no!" His eyes ended on the corner of my lips and he circulate his thumb for clearing the food particles from there. He pecked again on my lips for ending the conversation and extended his hand to the button of his shirt for opened it.

"Ya! Stop it now!" I smacked his hands away. "Why?" He deepen his eyes for staring in mine and asked so savagely. "Why not?" He was biting his lips while constantly staring at my lips and coming closer to my face. "Go now....you need to go for shower." I pushed him away and giggled as atmosphere was being hot. He walked back on his steps still facing forward but narrowing his eyes and smirking. "I'll see you later!" He said before stepping on staircase.


I was seating on his lap, hugging him like bear, laying my head down on his chest and he was stroking my head lightly. "Let's go somewhere today! For shopping or may be river site or for dinner, as you say." I raised my head up from his chest to face him. "Please no if you don't mind. You just come few days before and I want to spend some quality time with you 'cause you will be busy again in few days." I complaint like a baby among him and pout in disappointment. "Ok, ok. Don't be too cute, it's unbearable." He kissed on my forehead after chuckling on my words and continued his process that he was doing before.


"It's ready, come on!" I summoned him after done with preparing breakfast when he was watching TV in living room. He offered me to sit next to him and gave a bite of food before taking it but I refused. "Why?" A worryness pass on his face as soon as I say no. "I don't want to eat." I answered. "But you haven't eat anything after lunch." He put the spoon back in his bowl and turned to put his hand on my forehead and check the temperature. "I'm fine. Take your dinner first. I'll seat here until you don't finish it!" I know he is not going to leave it this much easily. After taking a few bites, he again offered me but I only nodded. "Just one, please!" He requested too cutely, so I just take one bite.

Jimin's pov.

She has no fever but I know something is wrong with her that she is not ready to tell me and make me worried. "Are you okay?" I cupped her face with my one hand and stroke her cheek for some times. "I'm okay, stop worrying about me. I was only not hungry." Her lips ended on mine for giving light peck on it and to caress my cheek with her thumb. "Ohk." I sighed but hold her tight close to me for closing our eyes and having a nice nap.


It was late again 9:10am in the morning but she was still sleeping. Her routine is changed from last few days. The y/n I know is not used to sleep till late but she is weird from few days. I put my hand again on her forehead for checking temperature and it was normal as always. I guess it disturb her and she opened her eyes but ended in my hug. "Don't you want to wake up my love?" I asked while stroking her back. "Mm!" She mumbled deeply not answering properly. "Why are you sleeping so much now a days? Tell me if something is wrong." I looked down to her sleepy face and kissed her cheek repeatedly.

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