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I feel the water fill my lungs as the desperate feeling rises in me once again.

7 rings by Ariana Grande bursts through my room I jolt out of bed breathing like I've just ran a marathon. I throw the covers off myself and change into sweat pants and a tank top and roll out my yoga mat or sports mat whatever you call it I put on a video on my phone and start working out. I have gained more than 15 pounds in just the winter break never eat when depressed it'll only give you more reasons to be depressed if you have a slow metabolism.

I take a cold shower and change into my school uniform, a dark blue plaid skirt a long sleeve white shirt and a dark blue blazer it's not the only option but I like dark colors so much so it's what I mostly wear, I squeeze my thick curls into a bun some shorter strands falling over my head and put on some high top converse and go upstairs to wake my family because none of them ever wakes up to their alarms they just snooze i wake my brother first after a big fight he finally goes in the bathroom after I tell him to wake mom up.

I prepare breakfast and wait for the rest of my family to join me a grumpy mom and Bryson (my brother) come and sit down with me at the dining table dad is away on an exploration trip (he's an archeologist) we eat a filling breakfast and go to the car she drops off my brother off at his middle school and we continue to Crestwood highschool my personal hell I mean I don't even get the point of chemistry or algebra if you're never going to use it and I really wish to meet the person who decided to mix numbers and letters so can really smack them in the face. with my shoe. My mom stops the car right in front of the school entrance after telling her I'll catch a ride with Dylan (my best friend) she tells me to have a good day and after saying our adieus I leave to my locker I find my tall blonde muscular best friend leaning on my locker waiting for me "hey Dyl " I say smiling at him "hey little birdy" he says and ruffles my hair I shoot him a glare "anyway what are you doin' here" I ask opening my locker "can't a friend visit a friends locker without a reason" he asks faking offense "other friends can it's just creepy when you do it" I tell him scavenging through my locker and shoving my history books into my bag with my literature one "you're so mean" he whines "I know" I say and he rolls his eyes at me "anyway it's Friday" he wiggles his eyebrows "wow that helps your creepy case" I say sarcastically "oh shut up don't pretend you don't like all this" he presses his hand on my neighbor's locker and ruffles his hair I stare at his with mere boredom on my face "don't" I say and slam my locker shut "fine" he pouts "anyway we have our bestie nights" he grins and a grin spreads over my face too "where are we going" I ask excitedly "that's for me to know and you to wonder" he says smugly "how about you tell me or I will cut you into so many pieces that won't be found even in a million years" I threaten sort of "you wouldn't do that" he says with a slight tone of fear that is just the effect of my threats "you really wanna find out" I raise my eyebrow at him "okay fine the carnival" the says wide eyed "what about the carnival" a voice says from behind me causing me to groan "geez Raven who pissed in your breakfast" Mason Collins says only a few words can describe Mason Collins arrogant, awful mean jerk cocky okay fine a few words can hardly describe him and the fact that he sees my misery and annoyance as a form of entertainment brings us to the topic of my strong dislike of him or for a shorter statement hate for him "geez Mason I will piss in your face if you don't shut up" I say annoyed "we're going to the carnival Mase you wanna come" Dylan invites him you see the dude is his cousin "no he can't come" I say abruptly "why not birdy afraid I'll beat you at every game" he says in a challenging tone if you want me to do something and I say no just get Mason to challenge me I'm not that competitive unless Mason or anyone challenges me to something okay fine I am a bit competitive okay a lot but you get the point "oh you're on Collins" I say challengingly "sure Ravenclaw" he winks turns to his cousin "so Dyl you on for videogames tomorrow at my place" he grins at him I just roll my eyes and head for my history class and sit down in the front row and as the teacher comes in she starts to talk and I listen attentively I really don't get why people think history is boring I personally find it intriguing.

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