The Monthly Sessions

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     It was midmorning and Lana's head felt like an ax was planted in it. Her eyesight struggled to cope with her surroundings. There was a little vomit taste in her mouth and her throat felt like sandpaper. It hurt to move. It felt like she had the flu. At least, the curtains were still closed. "Marie, how much did we drink last night?" she spoke softly in order not to make her head explode. When her eyes finally focused she noticed she wasn't in her room. She raised the sheets and saw that she was wearing one of Enzio's t-shirt and boxers. "What the hell did I do last night?"

     She looked over and saw Enzio's clothes on the bed. She looked to the other side and saw her trench coat. "What the hell did I just do?" She began to panic. Normally in her mind, she would be jumping on the bed screaming for joy and cursing at herself for not remembering the night, but she knew she was going to break his heart. It was not the right time, she wanted Enzio to be her one and only. The last man she ever wanted to be with. However, there was Dom 241 and the curiosity about him. That man was the only roadblock and she knew while with Enzio that man will always be in the back of her mind, constantly nagging her, until eventually, she would go to that club and have sex with him, and then she would be overwhelmed with guilt. Then she would tell him what she had done and he would leave her, hate her, and she would never see him again.

     Enzio walked into his dorm room carrying a Styrofoam container containing eggs, bacon, sausages, and home fries, the perfect meal for a hangover. He just finished talking to Rachel to check up on Joslin when he looked up and saw Lana crying in his bed. He placed the container down and rushed over towards her. "Hey, hey," He spoke softly "What's wrong?" She looked crushed like her world just ended and he knew why. "If you think we had sex last night, we didn't." and instantly she looked relieved and it did hurt him a bit, he tried not to show it. "Not like I wasn't tempted though," he added as he stood up and walked back towards the counter, he opened the container of food and the aroma instantly made her stomach growl. He returned to the bed and handed it to her and as she ate, she kept looking at his half-smile and wondered if he was tempted, why didn't he? "Lana last night you said a few things and I was wondering if you meant them?" Lana looked at him and swallowed hard.

     "I'm going, to be honest, I don't remember a thing from last night."

     "I figured as much." He sighed, looking at her like an object of desire even though she looked like complete shit. "Do you want me to tell you what you said?" and she shook her head. He nodded several times. "She's your sub and your friend, nothing more. Just move on, move on, and be happy." Following his sister's advice, he made peace with never having her. He has her on a different level and he finally accepted it. He told her that he'll be back and walked down the hall, when he entered the room he stopped short looking at Marie and Miko sleeping in each other's arms. He smiled at the sight and carefully openedLana's dresser to get her a new change of clothing, making sure he will not disturb them. Upon leaving the room, he received a text message that made his heart race.

 Upon leaving the room, he received a text message that made his heart race

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