chapter 9

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Techno’s POV

After about 20 minutes I was introduced to most of the girls but one was running late. This is great. I took a drink of water that was sitting on my desk. It was nice for wilbur to leave me water but I still hate him for what he did. Finally I heard a ding meaning someone joined the call. I looked at my screen and The water I was drinking got caught in my throat and I fell to the floor coughing. Once I caught my breath I looked back at my computer hearing her laugh. Why was y/n here.

“Techno are you alright?” Austin said which I replied with a nod.

“Great well let's get started shall we the chat is big this year now they know y/n is here.”Austin said

“Alright ladies since techno is too shy to ask, what do you see on the perfect date” Astin said the girls started thinking….

(i'm just making up names so sorry if yours is in here except minx who joined as well)

“Alright you go Joey” Austin said

“My dream date would be going the a nice beach at night lit by candles and there’s a beautiful breath taken picnic at the end” Joey said. She kinda sounds too cheesy and probably reads romance novels.

“Okay Nevaeh?” Austin asked


“That’s all?” Austin asked

“Just food and I'm happy,” Nevaeh said. Eh sounds a little too simple and I wouldn’t even enjoy it.

“Um okay next Minx” Austin said

“Walk in the woods” minx said (i don’t know)

“Are you going to kill him minx?” Y/n asked. Wait what?! Nobody kills technoblade.

“Hm maybe” minx said smiling.

(skip the rest and go straight to y/n who was last do to her being late)

“And now y/n what do you see in a perfect date?” Austin said. I leaned in a bit to hear better.

“Hm? Probably playing minecraft or something like winning skywars or defeating the game” she said. I smiled there was no way in hell I didn’t smile that was perfect.

“Ew video games” Britney said. My smile vanished 

“Oh okay well lucky for you our cuntestent here loves video games” Austin said

“Oh I mean oh video games that's so cool im a gamer girl myself” Britney said and winked at me. I swear I was on the urge of vomiting.

“Alright techno message me who’s in the bottom three then once they are done defending themselves send who you want to be voted out.


I was laying in my office chair with my legs lazily thrown on the armrest as the rest of my body was leaning on the back part of the chair. I didn’t bother listening in as I was texting minx. I knew I wasn’t getting in the bottom three because he loves video games there no way he would say no to that.


-I can’t believe you joined this love or host

Me to Minx and im guessing your a host-

-no doubt I mean come on I have a boyfriend

Ah ya I know-

--oh what are you by the way?

[It All Started In History Class] technoblade x readerWhere stories live. Discover now