Long Lost Relatives

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      Tommy and Tubbo ran through the forest, laughing as their feet pounded against the ground, shoving them forward with every step. Tommy was ahead, running with his arms out to keep his balance while Tubbo tried to catch up, huge smiles on both their faces.

      "Oh my god- You're so slow!" Tommy said, stopping for a second to catch his breath. He was so far ahead of the other that he could take a break without needing to worry about falling behind. Tubbo slowed down but didn't stop, still trying to catch up to his friend.

      "You're just," he took a deep breath, "excessively tall." Another deep breath. "Nobody needs to be that tall."

      Tommy laughed, not even caring as Tubbo reached him, tapping his shoulder and muttering, 'tag'. "You're just mad that I get to use you as an armrest."

      Tubbo rolled his eyes, collapsing to the forest floor as he tried to relax after that long run. "Yeah, well, at least I can actually fit in my room without having to duck all the time."

      "That's not fair! Your room was literally made for people under five feet!" Tommy's eyes scanned the trees around them, the new spot in the forest being a bit uneasy to him.

      His brain zoned out Tubbo's rebuttal, focusing instead on the big mansion in the distance. Or rather, the old, falling-apart mansion. Even from the distance away they were, anyone could tell that the big house was not in the best condition. There was a hole in the roof and the porch had vines growing like mad all over it.

      "Tubbo, look!" He started walking again, going towards the house at a fast pace, feeling drawn to it. To explore it. Tubbo followed closely behind, seemingly interested in the building as well.

      The door was unlocked, allowing for easy access to the inside, which wasn't in any better condition. The furniture was covered in black ash and dust, a layer of the stuff over the walls as well. It hurt to breathe in since the air was musty and filled with even more dust than the furniture.

      "Jeez... How long do you think it's been since someone lived here?" Tubbo said, coughing a little as he picked up a picture frame, the dust flying to the air. There were many picture frames in the house, but the one Tubbo held was the only was that had a picture inside. The rest of them had burnt up papers inside, presumably from a fire that had happened long ago. That would explain the soot over the couches as well.

      "I don't know. Ten years maybe? It's been a while for sure." Tubbo showed the boy the picture frame. A photo of a small family sat inside it, the layer of dust on the glass making it hard to see their features. But it was clear that there was a man, two teenage boys, and a baby in a stroller. Tommy gulped.

      "Do you think this place was set on fire or something?" Tubbo shrugged, rubbing his finger against the walls, picking up a thick layer of grime and dirt as he swiped. He scrunched his nose.

      "Looks like it."

      Meanwhile, three ghosts watched from afar, smiling as the boys explored with curiosity.

      "Techno, please for the love of God, don't scare them away immediately this time." Techno stopped his staring to glance at Phil, scoffing.

      "It was Wilbur who started it last time when he knocked over the pan in the kitchen. I only continued it."

      "How many times do I have to say this? The pan was an accident." Wilbur glared at his brother, crossing his arms and floating closer to the boys. Tommy lifted a paper in the air, passing it right through Wilbur's ghostly figure without even realizing it. "How long are we going to let them go through our house?"

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