"Superman but without the cool shit!"

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      Tommy's laugh filled the ears of the people around, causing Wilbur to roll his eyes. He smiled at the younger, practically dragging him down the sidewalk away from the crowd.

      "Tommy, calm down! People are staring!" Tommy didn't hear him over his own laughing, bending over and clutching his stomach. "Tommy, oh my god."

      Wilbur pulled him into an alleyway to calm down, leaning on the wall with his arms crossed as Tommy rolled around on the ground, catching his breath. "It wasn't that funny!" He shouted, causing Tommy to laugh even harder than he was. Wilbur huffed and furrowed his eyebrows, glaring at the boy. "Would you stop laughing! We're gonna be late!"

      Tommy calmed down a little, but only enough for him to breathe properly again. Wilbur walked towards him, giving him a hand so he could stand. Just as he was on his feet again, a click was heard from deeper in the ally.

      They looked towards the sound, making any hint of laughter or playfulness leave. Their faces dropped as they stared at a gun, pointing directly at them.

      "If you run, you're dead. Give me your money." Wilbur grabbed Tommy's arm and took a step forward, trying to stand in front of him protectively. Tommy noticed though and panicked.

      "Ok, ok. Here." Wilbur went to reach for his wallet, slowly pulling it out of his back pocket. Tommy stood behind him, holding his arm as his hands shook.

      The man with the gun snatched it out of Wilbur's hand as he held it up. He pointed it at Tommy, who was hiding behind Wilbur's tall frame and gestured for Tommy to comply as well. Wilbur put his arm around him, angry at the fact he was threatening his little brother.

      "Him too. Come on, give me your money." Wilbur stepped in front of Tomy even more, fully protecting him.

      "He doesn't have anything." Tommy closed his eyes, scared out of his mind.

      The man rolled his eyes. "Now, why don't I believe that?"

      Tommy opened his eyes as a shot was fired. His ears rang from the loud sound, but adrenaline was rushing through him. The gun was pointed directly at Wilbur's stomach, and smoke was coming out of the barrel from the recent shot.

      Tommy waited for Wilbur to collapse to the floor in pain, ready to cry out, but it didn't happen. Instead, Wilbur reached forward and grabbed the gun from the man's hand, pointing it at him instead. The man's eyes widened, and he took off running.

      The gun fell to the ground as Wilbur let it go, causing Tommy to rush to his aid. "Oh my god, Wilbur! Are you ok? He fucking shot you!" He reached out to touch where Wilbur should have been shot, seeing no blood pooling where it should have been. Instead, he saw a hole in his fancy shirt, about the size of a bullet, and he was completely fine.

      Wilbur reached to the ground and grabbed his wallet, which the man had dropped when he took off running. "Are you alright, Tommy?" He asked calmly, putting his hands on the boy's shoulders.

      "Wha- Am I alright!? Are you alright!? You got fucking shot! And how are you not bleeding?!" Panic flashed in his eyes, quickly covering the hole in his shirt with his jacket.

      "I didn't get shot. He missed. This hole was already here." Tommy looked at him, disbelief showing on his face.

      "You can't be serious! I literally watched him shoot you!" Wilbur looked away, crossing his arms. He gulped as he tried to think of an excuse, but when his mind went black, he sighed.

      "Promise me you won't tell anyone?"

      Tommy blinked. "I- Yeah. Yeah, sure. I won't. I promise."

      Wilbur gulped down his nerves, taking a deep breath to calm himself. "So, um... I don't... I can't... I don't bleed? Nothing can cut me, and I don't know why or how I got this way."

      Tommy crossed his arms, trying to make sense of this. "So you're like... Indestructible?" He scoffed. "This is ridiculous. This isn't real!" Tommy threw his hands up in the air, running one through his hair. Wilbur stayed silent.

      "Who else knows about this?!"

      Wilbur made eye-contact, expecting to see Tommy angry or upset, but instead was met with disbelief and curiosity. "Techno and Phil know, but they found out in similar ways to you. I got hurt in front of them, and I didn't bleed. I haven't really told anyone, they just found out."

      Tommy huffed. "Well, that's fucking brilliant." He realized something, and his eyes sparked up. "So that means that I can literally stab you, and you'll be fine?"

      Wilbur laughed. "Well, technically you wouldn't stab me. If anything, the knife would break."

      "You're like superman but without all the cool shit!" They both laughed again, no longer a strange tension between them. "That's pretty cool, mate!"

      Wilbur smiled, relieved. "Yeah, I guess. Come on, we're probably late now!" He grabbed Tommy's hand and ran out of the ally, continuing down the path they were taking before being distracted.

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