Hardship in Warfare (1)

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      Techno grabbed his brother's hand and ran across the field, successfully using his homemade shield to block the bullets being fired their way. The dirt under their feet turned to dust as it was pushed into the air by their shoes, moving so quickly that it felt as though they were flying. Neither stopped moving until they were safe, hidden underneath the car that was flipped upside down in the middle of the road. Wilbur huffed.

      "A little bit of a warning next time would be appreciated. I almost tripped when you grabbed me." He said, still catching his breath from that 30-second sprinting session. Techno rolled his eyes.

      "I didn't have time to warn you. They were right behind us, so I just grabbed and ran." Techno peeked his eyes out from the car, watching as the rest of the people either scrambled as they ran for cover, or fell with blood pooling from their gunshot wounds. The sight made Wilbur flinch, but Techno simply scanned the scenery, looking for a way out.

      "Techno, look!" Wilbur shouted over the sound of gunshots, grabbing his brother's attention. He pointed to a hill in the distance, pointing out the hundreds of new soldiers who were marching over. At any second they would be firing, helping the ones who just cleared the field of most survivors. Techno widened his eyes.

      "Will, we have to go. Now." He got up and tried pulling Will with him, but the younger resided, a pleading look in his eyes. Techno raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

      "No, look! Over there!" He pointed once again but in a different direction. Where his finger directed stood two boys, both looking distraught as soldiers calmly walked towards them, aiming their guns at the boys' heads. It was as if they were teasing them, smiling as they saw the fear in their eyes. They were cornered, no way out. Techno softened his gaze and felt sympathy for them, only for a moment though.

      "What about it?" He said, still trying to get his brother to leave the spot so they could escape. Wilbur furrowed his eyebrows, glaring at him.

      "We have to help them! They're just kids!" Techno let go of Wilbur's wrist, looking at him, puzzled.

      "Are you insane? If we go out there we could get killed."

      "Well if you aren't going to, then I will." Wilbur turned to leave behind the shelter of the car when he was pulled back by a grip on his shoulder.

      "Wait!" Techno glanced at the boys again. The taller one was standing protectively in front of the other, looking angrily at the men in front of them. Techno sighed. "Stay here."

      And with that, he was off, running through the field once again with his shield up, sword out and ready to kill anything that dared to try anything. The shorter boy noticed him coming but said nothing, afraid that if he made a sound he would be shot.

      A soldier put the tip of the gun to the taller's head, laughing at the boys' scared expressions. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, Techno stabbed the man in the back, causing the gun to drop to the ground with a noisy thud. The others looked at the now dead man, then glanced at the killer who already started murdering the rest of them.

      The last body dropped, and Techno caught his breath, adrenaline rushing through him. He looked behind him to see the two looking at him with fearful eyes, one hiding behind the other.

      "Come with me if you want to live. My brother and I can protect you." The two glanced at each other, a way of asking if they should trust the scary stranger, but their silent conversation was cut short by more gunshots. Techno waited no longer and grabbed both their wrists with one hand, much like he did with Wilbur. The three ran to the car, and some soldiers followed, causing him to curse under his breath.

      Will, we have to get going. Now." The hiding man nodded at his brother and smiled at the terrified kids, gesturing for them to follow and they ran away, abandoning the car.

      They ran in silence, the only noise being the splatter of blood whenever Techno killed someone and the now distant gunshots in the background. They ran until those gunshots couldn't be heard anymore, then hid inside a forest, trying to calm the rushing adrenaline coursing through their veins.

      "Why did you save us?" The taller of the two boys spoke, protectively shifting closer to the other. Techno said nothing since he didn't exactly know why.

      Wilbur gave them a small smile. "Because we could, and you were about to be killed. Besides, we just stopped 6 more soldiers from killing anyone in the future. So technically, we saved you and future victims."

       The shorter one smiled back, but the other was a bit more skeptical. "Ok, well, thank you, but we can survive on our own from now on. Come on Tubbo." The tall boy started walking away and 'Tubbo' followed with a frown, reluctantly giving the brothers a small wave. Techno stared at them.

      "That's poison Ivy you're about to walk into." The two suddenly stopped walking and backed away. Techno sighed. "How long have you two been on your own?"

      Tubbo answered this time, staring longingly at the apple he just noticed hanging from the tree above them. "Uh... About a week. Our town was destroyed when Astra tried to take over Britain." He sadly looked away from the apple, coming to the conclusion that he wouldn't be able to reach out. Techno glanced at it.

      "Do you have any idea how to survive out here?" He jumped up to the tree branch, climbing his way over to where the apple hung and sent it falling directly into Tubbo's open hands. The boy beamed, and the other boy seemed to relax a little, letting his shoulders slump a bit.

      Techno got three more apples and hopped down, giving one to each of them so they could enjoy a good meal for the first time in days. "Not really, but I'm sure we'll manage." The boy spoke. Techno rolled his eyes. 

      "Why don't you guys join us? We can teach you how to survive until you're ready to do it on your own." Wilbur suggested, mouth full of the juicy fruit. Tubbo smiled a little brighter, and the other boy, who they still didn't know the name of, looked skeptical.

      He took a bite of the apple, stomach growling from the lack of food in it, and his whole demeanor changed. "What would you teach us?" He asked, desperate to eat more.

      Techno shrugged. "I don't know. For starters, how to get food. You look like you haven't eaten in days." The boy glared at him.

      "Fine. But the second we can do this shit on our own, we leave." He stated. Techno shrugged again, finishing off the apple. "My name is Tommy, this is Tubbo."

      Tubbo waved at them. "Hello!" 


Lemme know if you want a part two

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