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I awoke to the sound of voices buzzing around me. A hazy figure of a woman and a boy were standing over me, and were whispering indistinctly about something. A strange smell lurked in the air, the smell of... wet grass and electricity.

As I started to sit up, I realized that I was no longer on the stone floor of the selection area. Instead, I was outside next to a stone building with strange engravings and an open sky. The woman and Kai, the boy from before, were looking at me expectantly, as if I was supposed to do something.

"Is the selection over?" I asked curiously, as there was no sight of any other teenager from before.

"Yes, everyone already left for Sihir about an hour ago," the woman replied. Her voice was very soothing but had a rough edge and she was wearing a blue loose-fitting dress, with a black see-through shawl draped over her shoulders.

Does that mean I don't have an element? No, that can't be-- I'm sure I felt something before I blacked out...

"Are you alright?" Kai asked, his voice was similar to hers, just not as hoarse.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I replied as I started to stand up.

"Makani, after you passed out, we had to take you outside for fresh air. Don't worry though, you'll be sent to Sihir soon, the headmaster already knows what happened." said the woman.

As the three of us started to walk to the nearest portal, through various conversations, I learned that as I started to pass out, Kai had caught me and pulled me outside so the selection could continue. The woman was his sister whose name was Mei. She had rushed to join Kai so she could help me regain consciousness with different medicines and herbs that helped me get my energy back. Apparently her element was nature so it was her specialty. She had connections with the Sihir student body, who were able to relay the message to the headmaster.

After following a trail of pebbles, we arrive at a magnificent structure, specially designed to contain the portal to Sihir. It was made from beige stone, four arches encircled the portal and there was no roof. The portal was made from a great attraction of energy and multiple elementum's products. The combination of the different elements and the attraction allowed a pathway through space, light, and time to be formed-- easing travelling great distances and decreasing the time immensely.

Mei turned to me and smiled as Kai and I prepared to enter the portal.

"Makani, don't worry about Sihir. Your elementum is Air, which is very powerful and rare. I have made sure they reserved you class assignments and even included an extracurricular I think you'll enjoy" She grins at me mischievously. "You are allowed to choose one more class or club, or you can leave that time slot blank. If you have any questions, ask Kai, since he's been there a lot and knows a lot about it."

I nodded, truly grateful for everything that they had done for me. After exchanging our goodbyes, me and Kai entered the portal, giddy and nervous about what was to come.


In almost an instant, Sihir stood in front of me. Stepping out of the portal, we look out in awe, staring at the large buildings that towered over us. It was almost too much to take in, for it was immensely different from any of the buildings and structures back home on the island. It was a foreign, and unnatural place.

We both hurry down to the front entrance of the building. Sihir is even more breathtaking up close.

I take a deep breath. After looking at Kai, I smile and step into the grand doors which call out invitingly. We are immediately met by a woman who orders us to get in lines, for our room assignment. It seems like some students are still here waiting for their room assignments. I part with Kai and shuffle into a rough line as she calls us one by one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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