LXVII. raindrop prelude by Frederic Chopin (part two)

Comenzar desde el principio

The storm was still going hard outside. No signs of it stopping now, so the power cut was a good idea. Brett sighed as he tried to walk out of the bedroom. He could still feel that he was not welcome there, despite of Eddy being scared of the rain and the thunder rumbling from the outside.

"Where are you going?" Eddy asked before Brett was about to walk out.

"I know you want to sleep so I'll let you... Goodnight, Eddy..." Brett said softly.

Eddy was quick to stand up and grab Brett by the wrist to make him stay on the room. He was shocked to find that Brett was warm. Like he was having a fever or something.

"Don't you dare leave. Not when you have a fever... Don't sleep out there, it's gonna get worse." Eddy coaxed.

"No, I don't want you to get sick. I'll be there... Don't worry. Not that I can leave with that kind of weather outside." Brett said, trying to remove Eddy's grip on his wrist.

"So, you're planning to leave?" Eddy asked quietly, like he was hurt.

"No... Yes... I'm not sure. Maybe? I just felt that you didn't want me around anymore..." Brett said, telling Eddy the truth and avoiding Eddy's gaze.

Not that he was seen, it was too dark. Brett just felt that Eddy could still feel his vulnerability, even in the dark. Brett stumbled a little, the dizziness from before getting the best of him. Eddy was quick to catch him before he stumbled on the floor.

"I told you that you should stay here... And who said anything about not wanting you around me anymore?" Eddy said, picking him up and placing him under the covers.

He carefully blew the candle lights out. He crawled in the bed next to Brett, but facing away from him.

"No one said it... It just felt like a tacenda." Brett replied quietly.

"Tacenda?" Eddy asked.

"An unspoken thing. I mean, you avoided seeing me or talking to me... I knew you were so mad at me, that's why I always tried to go out and not get in your way... I don't want you to hate me more than you already do now." Brett explained.

"I could never hate you... I'm just mad at you. I still am..."

"I know... I was trying to book a hotel room or something. I know you needed your space. I guess I was just waiting for a verbal confirmation... Like, I know you're now in love with someone else. I was waiting for you to break up with me." Brett said, tears streaming down his face.

Brett shivered and Eddy actually felt bad. He was the reason why Brett was always out in the changing hot and cold weather of Taiwan. So, he turned around and pulled Brett closer to him, providing more warmth.

"You're temperature's still pretty hot. Did you drink something for it already?" Eddy asked, trying to warm up the shivering older man next to him.

"Yeah... And you shouldn't be hugging me. You'll get sick and I don't think your n-new significant other will appreciate this..." Brett said, trying to get away.

"Oh..." Eddy said, not knowing how to respond.

A few minutes of silence and Eddy was still not losing his grip on Brett's obviously shivering body. When Brett was a bit more steady, he spoke up.

"I'm really sorry, Eddy... I know you feel guilty now but you really shouldn't. I've been thinking about what you said, about me being difficult to love. I think you're right, so you don't have to feel sorry or anything... I'm really not offended because I reflected on it the past two days and yeah... You're right."

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