"Then why did it with you?" Stiles asks, looking back at me in the rearview mirror. "I don't know... nor do I care... I'm just glad that Derek pulled me out when he did." I say, looking out the window. Stiles parks the car in front of the animal clinic, and we drag Scott out of his jeep. Derek carries him inside and Deaton immediately jumps into action.

After Deaton has inserted some kind of liquid in Scott's arm, we can see him starting to slowly wake up. "Thank you." Derek then says to Deaton, who nods back at us. Stiles motions for me to follow him outside for a second, which I agree to.

"So... I think we should try to find out why it affected you so differently..." he begins, but I stop him. "No." I interject. "What? No?" he asks in disbelief. "Y/n... you could have died in there ... if they use wolfsbane on you again, it might kill you... we need to find out why and how to fix it." Stiles says, making me sigh.

"Look... we have enough to worry about right now... we have the Argents who hate our guts... we have Jackson, who is killing people without knowing it... we have my sister, who still loses her mind for some unknown reason at some moments... we have an unknown murdered person that is using Jackson to kill murders... and on top of that I have personal problems with my mother... Sorry but I really don't want to add to that list that there might be something wrong with me as well..." I say, making him look at me sadly.

"Let's just forget about it... ok?" I say, making him look at me unsure. "Y/n... this isn't something you can just forget about... this is important." Stiles says, making me sigh. "But when we find out the reason right now... instead of focusing on the other things going on right now... it won't change anything. It will still affect me the same way... so it can wait." I say, making him sigh and nod.

"Ok... but the second that we solve this Jackson stuff, we will look for a reason together ok?" he asks, making me nod at him. "Deal." I say, making him shake his head. "No, promise me... I know you never break your promises." He says, making me look at him. "How do you know that?" I ask dumfounded. "I noticed." Stiles says, making me smile at him. "Ok, I promise." I say, making him smile as well.

We then walk back into the clinic, seeing Scott sitting up on the table. "You're up." I say, walking over to him. "You ok?" I ask, making him slowly nod. "Allison's mother just tried to kill me..." he says, making me frown sadly. "I don't think that's the worst thing about it." I say, making Scott and Stiles frown at me.

"How come?" Scott asks, looking at me nervously. I look at Derek and see him nod my way, telling me I can tell them. "Well... when Derek was fighting Victoria off... and thereby saving both your life and mine... he kind of... bit her." I say, the last part slower than the first.

"Which means one of two things..." I say frowning at Scott's realization. "Actually... she'll die." Derek says, making us all look at him. "How do you know for sure?" I ask confused. "Because they go by a code..." Derek says, making me realize what he meant. "Oh..." I say sadly.

"Why did you bite her?" Scott asks, slightly yelling. "Scott!! He saved you... he had too I saw it... he had no choice." I say, sticking up for Derek. "What do I tell Allison?" Scott asks, making me shrug. "I don't know... if Derek's right... it could be that she's already dead before you get to her..." I say, looking at the ground.

"I won't tell her... neither will you all." Scott says, looking at everyone. "But..." I begin, making him shake his head. "If Derek's right... that means her mother will die... I don't want her last memories of her mother to be bad..." he explains, making me nod.

(Third POV)

Lydia is showering when she hears something, it sounds like a crowd cheering her name. She stops washing herself and tries to listen closely. She then reaches for the end of the shower curtain, slowly pulling it back. Instead of seeing her bathroom, she sees that the scene has changed, and she is now standing on the lacrosse field in her dress that she had been wearing to the dance.

Stiles Stilinski x Reader. (Rewrite of the series: season 2)Where stories live. Discover now