Chapter 26*

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(Your POV)

"So what are we-" I begin saying, but get interrupted by a loud roar. "Scott??!" I ask, looking behind me. "What?" Stiles asks, looking at me nervously. "Break it." Derek says, making Stiles scoff. "What? No way!" Stiles says. "Scott's dying!" Derek says. "I'm going ..." I say, turning around and frantically running back inside. "Y/n wait!" Stiles yells, but I couldn't stop.

"Allison... please tell her I'm sorry..." I hear Scott weakly say from inside a room. I run in and am met by a startled Victoria. I see Scott on the ground and smell wolfsbane in the air, it already burning the inside of my lungs.

I run towards Victoria, tackling her to the ground. I then stand up and run towards the vial, stopping it from spreading into the room. Suddenly I feel something heavy being punched into the back of my head, making me fly forward and cough up blood.

Derek then runs into the room, and gets stabbed by Victoria. He fights her off and takes a look at Scott laying on the ground and me coughing up blood. He then turns back to Victoria angry and gives her a bite in her shoulder, which makes her scream and run away.

Derek rushes over to us, pulling Scott and I out of the room filled with wolfsbane air. When we get outside, fresh air fills my lungs, and I can feel them starting to heal. "Thanks..." I say to Derek making him nod. "You're welcome." He says, looking back at Scott. "Is he going to be ok?" I ask, seeing him still weak. "Yeah... I think we were just in time." he says, making me nod again.

"What?" I ask, when I see him still staring at me. "'s just." He says, making me frown. "What?" I ask again. "The wolfsbane... It affects you differently... maybe even worse than what it does to us..." he begins "I mean, you were in there for only a couple of second and the wolfsbane air made you cough up blood." He says again, making me think.

"I don't know why that is Derek... It just does." I say, shrugging. "I think it might have to do with the same fact that you have red eyes... you're not an alpha y/n, so it isn't normal for you to have red eyes." He says again.

"So what? Are you saying somethings wrong with me?" I ask nervously, which makes him shake his head. "I don't know... it's something I'll help you find out." He says, giving me a sad smile. "Thanks." I say, returning the smile. "Y/n?" I hear behind me, seeing Stiles run up to us. When he reaches me, he pulls me into a hug. "You ok? Whose blood is that?" he then asks with worry, looking at my stained tank top. "Mine..." I say sheepishly.

"What happened?" he asks, then looking next to me and seeing Scott still on the ground. "I think we need to get him to Deaton... he's healing too slow." Derek says, making me nod. "Help me get him in Stiles' jeep." I say, motioning for Stiles to follow us. "I'll explain everything on the way Stiles... come on." I say when I still see him looking at me expectantly.

I jump in the backseat of the jeep, next to Scott, while Derek sits himself down in the front seat. Stiles begins driving the car and looks at me through the rearview mirror expectantly. "So, anybody going to tell me?" he asks. "Allison's mother tried to kill Scott." Derek says, making Stiles look at him in disbelief. "What? Why?" he asks, making Derek roll his eyes.

"I didn't ask Stiles... I was busy fighting her off and pulling Scott and Y/n to safety." Derek says, making Stiles frown again. "I thought you said she tried to kill Scott... why would you need to carry y/n to safety then?" he asks, worry evident in his voice. "Because the wolfsbane was in the air in that room... it nearly killed y/n as well." He says.

"Is that why you have blood over your tank top?" Stiles asks, looking at me with worry. "Yes...
I coughed up some blood, but I'm fine now..." I say, rolling my eyes. "Why didn't you cough up blood?" he then asks Derek. "Because wolfsbane isn't supposed to do that..." Derek explains after he looks at me and I nod at him.

Stiles Stilinski x Reader. (Rewrite of the series: season 2)Where stories live. Discover now