beorn / spiders [pg-13]

Start from the beginning

"My child... no father wishes to see his children brought low and be destroyed..especially I. What I'm asking you is no easy or safe task to fulfill..but if you succeed then you will save many of my children. Are you still willing?" Taking a deep breath she accepted and his smile was both radiant yet filled with a bitter sweet sorrow." Then listen carefully my child... one of Durins sons will become afflicted with a gold sickness..( she realized he was talking about Thorin).. must find a way to save him from it...for if you don't then all is lost for the ones you love. There is an army..a vast army of orcs and wargs that will come to Erebor and end the line of Durin once for all. You must rally an army and find a way to get to Erebor before two days after Durins day has passed..only then will you have a chance ..small but a chance." She felt a shudder pass over her as she realized the monumental task set before her and her sisters..but she accepted that in her heart she had no choice. "Its time for you to must hurry, leave tonight..there is no time to waste." His hand reached out and engulfed her..sending her back into a deep sleep so she would wake up in world.

Ahmi's eyes flew open as this new dream sent her in mind in an up roar...she finally understood them and knew that she had to leave tonight. Sitting up she looked over to the other bed where Alysi , her twin sister , was tossing if she was trapped in a nightmare of her own. Getting up she went over to her shaking her from the horrid dream she was having while softly whispering her name so as not to wake father up.

"Alysi..wake up. Alysi" starteled out of the dream her eyes opened quickly and she jerked up in bed about to scream..but Ahmi quickly covered her mouth before she did. "Shhh... its me." Seeing her sister there calmed her down as she breathed hard for a moment..calming down eventually. Noticing that she was finally calm enough she leaned over and whispered to her." Uhhmmm.. theres something i need to tell you." glancing away nervously.

"We need to go." Alysi said before Ahmi could finish bringing a surprised look to her face." There was a giant man..he told me to go..follow you." she started to shake her head in confusion but there was a small cry in the next room sending the two rushing into Kechis room before she alerted dad. They both ran over to thier older sister who whimpered on the bed caught in her dream. "Kechi..please wake up..were here..its fine." hearing her name brought a gasp to her lips that she bit back upon seeing her two little sisters standing over her.

"Oh by was horrible..i saw Thorin.." Ahmi quickly silenced her before she could go on.

"Dead..i know. Me too..except its not a dream..this is what will happen if we dont stop it...soon." Kechi and Alysi looked at her with aprehension but they listened to what she had to say.


Dawn approached in the sky as Three dwarven women raced their horses through the forests leading out of Ered Luin..heading for someplace only they knew... being led by a dream or nightmare.


The lovely golden sun was rising on this fair morning across Ered Luin lands casting a welcoming glow on the homes that resided there upon the verdant land. Along the rolling hills sheep and cattle could be heard making thier calls out over the fields as they fed upon the lush grass. In the village smoke began to emerge from chimneys as the inhabitants slowly began thier day with breakfast and coffee. One such home with its beautifully crafted stonework evident and its lovely painted red door,there was a loud crashing sound coming from the kitchen, waking Dis from a very sound sleep. She jumped up from her bed, as she grabbed her sword , running towards the clanging within the kitchen. As she rounded the corner she saw a very pregnant dwarf sitting on the floor surrounded by several pots and pans on the ground..who looked up at Dis with tears in her eyes.

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