Children Of Sunset 7

Start from the beginning

Then again, don't nothin' really taste right when I got my mind playing these silly games with me. You know...I swear that I could still feel Colby's lips on mine. Hard to keep from grinning like a freshly fed hound dog when I think about it. I think I'd trade all the coin in the world just to see him again. Those bright eyes. That soft hair. Slim and slender, like he ain't ate much in a good spell...but he wore it like a fine suit, regardless.

It would give me so much glory and pleasure to think about Colby during my every waking moment if I didn't feel so dang cursed for doing so. I can't seem to work out what went wrong with my everyday steering, where I'd think of another fella the way I think about him. But the more I try to make sense of what I'm feeling in the pit of my own belly...the further I feel away from what I want most.

And what I want most...?

...Is another kiss from Colby's lips.

Soft as a midnight whisper, they was. Pressed up against mine. With me all turned backwards, hoping that my very first connection would come off right with another boy like me. My head just won't let it go. It pains me to think about him so much, but I can't seem to help myself. I'm just too possessed by the potential promise of getting another shot at it.

Lord bless...if only I could get another chance! I'd kiss Colby so good, he'd be hankering for another and another and another, every chance he got!

I'll do it better next time. Just you wait and see. I'll be ready for it. I'll...I'll do it SO much better on the next go 'round.

If...if there is a next go 'round....

I had to tidy up the yard and get my chores done for the day while my daddy went to go meet with that 'Priest' fella and his band of outlaws. I probably shouldn't call them that, but they just don't seem too 'law worthy' to me. If anything, they seem like the type to cause more harm than good, no matter what town they come riding through. But as I was feeding the chickens and doing my best to sweep the extra pieces out of the front yard like my mama taught me too with the ol' stick broom...I got to thinkin' about Colby and his friends, living out there, just on the side of town. There's really no telling what these outlaws was looking for, or what they was expecting to find...but I had an inkling that Colby and his companions might be in the way of them findin' it. And I certainly wouldn't want him to get hurt. no way, no how. I got to thinking that maybe I should travel out towards the mountains he was pointing at on that first night, and taking a chance on finding his homestead so's I could at least give him a warning about this stupid dust storm that might be coming his way if he wasn't careful. People like Gideon Priest don't care much for common folk. Only for their own self serving issues, and whatever coin they can make from getting people to side up with them.

I ain't never had that kind of itch, myself. Don't plan to, either. My mama taught me better than that.

She always said..." reap what you sow. And everything you do when you think God ain't watching? Believe you, me...he's taking note of it. Every last detail. And He's waiting on you to make the right decision." I keep that close to my heart. Always will.

Dangit! Why didn't Colby show up last night??? I'm gettin' all restless and bothered, now! I wanna lay my eyes upon him again! I wanna look him over and press my lips against his the same way my Uncle Buster wants to press his lips against the next full mug of liquid they serve him at the town saloon!

I don't mean to be so impatient, Lord, but...fevered memories of that boy's kiss got my belly all tied up knots now! Come on! Give me some PEACE!

Couldn't quite keep myself from being restless. Couldn't half concentrate on much of nothin' to be true about it. I kept kicking myself for not spilling everything out to Colby the last time I got to look into those pretty eyes of his. I wasn't gonna cry about it none...but a part of me felt like it wanted to.

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