Yamaguchi: Everything

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 You rubbed your eyes tiredly, fighting back a yawn so your teacher wouldn't scold you for not paying attention in class. You hadn't gotten enough sleep last night, so today, you didn't have the energy to do virtually anything. You just wanted to lie down literally anywhere and close your eyes and fall asleep. Just for a bit. Okay, maybe for a bit longer than just a bit. 

 "Ms L/N, work on getting more sleep tonight after doing your homework," your teacher exposed you as he passed your desk and placed a worksheet on it. You closed your eyes in annoyance. 

 "Yeah, okay, sir," you tried to move past your embarrassment. Everyone in the class turned in their seats to look at you, but you refused to meet anyone's eyes. The bell rung. All of your classmates got out of their seats as you began to pack all of your equipment. It was a cold winter day. You slipped your arms inside your warm coat and looped your scarf around your neck. Then, you picked up your schoolbag and started to head out. 

 "Have a good day, everyone. Homework is due this time next week," your teacher called out from his desk. Students filtered out of the classroom and started to head to their after school clubs, cram sessions or simply back home. Your boyfriend, Tadashi Yamaguchi, stopped by your desk. The two of you were in the same class. 

 "Hey," he smiled down at you. You looked up at him. He was wearing a nice olive green coat over his school uniform, as well as a black beanie.  

 "Hey, Tadashi," you returned his grin, "You've got volleyball practice, right?" 

 "Not today. Coach has some staff meeting to go to, so I'm free," he fiddled with his fingers. 

 "Oh, that's great! So you got any plans? Gonna do something wild with Tsuki?" you started walking out of the classroom and into the hallway with Tadashi following close behind. 

 "Uh, no actually. Since I'm not doing anything, I was gonna try finishing this homework early," he waved the sheet in his hand. He folded it up and placed it carefully into his bag. It was a sheet of complicated maths questions about trigonometric graphs. In all honesty, you struggled with this topic. 

 "Oh God, I can't do that. I don't get it," you confessed. Tadashi caught up to walk next to you. His hand brushed yours and he immediately blushed. 

 "Your hands are really cold," he laughed. You inspected them as if temperature was visible. 

 "Yeah, they always are, but they get especially bad in the winter," you rubbed them together to produce some heat from the friction. Suddenly, Tadashi grabbed your left hand in his right one. You looked up at him. He looked down at you, the blush on his cheeks more evident than ever. 

 "Uh, sorry. Just trying to keep you warm," he explained himself. 

 "Aw, Tadashi. Don't apologise - I think it's adorable. Thank you," you interlocked your fingers with his. He smiled sweetly.

 "You're welcome," he shyly said, "Hey, if you want, you can come over and I can help you with that sheet."

 "Oh, that's great, Tadashi!" you exclaimed, "You're the sweetest."

 "Heh," he scratched the back of his neck with his free hand. The two of you left the school gates. You just wanted to get to Tadashi's house and spend some time with the guy you loved. You feared that you would fall asleep while he was teaching you because of how tired you were. When the two of you got to his house, Tadashi hung your coat up for you and you first went into the kitchen to greet his mother. 

 "Hi, Mrs Yamaguchi!" you put your hand out for her to shake, but she opted to hug you instead. Then, Tadashi greeted her with a kiss to the top of her forehead.

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