Tsukishima: Shortcake

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 "But - and even you can't argue this point - cereal is just sweet soup," you stupidly remarked to get any kind of reaction from your boyfriend.  

 You and Kei were walking back to your place after he had finished practice. Tonight was Movie Night for the two of you, a long lasting tradition that you had settled on when you started dating a while ago. Yamaguchi usually tagged along with the two of you, but tonight, he said he had too much homework to catch up on. You pinkie promised that you would tell him everything that happened in the movie. 

 "Oh, so we're being complete morons now, is that what it is?" Kei responded to your absurd statement. 

 "Alright, alright, Daddy Long Legs. Watch it," you jabbed him in the side with your elbow. 

 "Wow, the amount of pain I am in right now both emotionally and physically is unbelievable," he commented with probably the most sarcastic voice you had ever heard. You scoffed.

 "I know, what can I say? I'm just that good," you shrugged nonchalantly. Kei looked down at you with a subtle smirk.

 "Yeah, undeniable skill," he bumped into you purposely. You laughed. The two of you resumed walking side by side in peace. 

 "Kei," you put on a serious tone. 

 "Mm?" he hummed.

 "What do you want to watch tonight?" you put on a mock philosophical voice. 

 "A movie," he monotonously stated the obvious.

 "Yeah, preferably, genius. It's Movie Night," you squinted your eyes in speculation. 

 "I know," he tried his best to make things harder for you. 

 "Alright, alright," you huffed in frustration. You heard him laugh softly before his hand landed on your head. You looked up at him while the two of you kept walking. He was looking straight ahead. 

 "Stop staring," he said in a sing songy tone. You cocked an eyebrow up. 

 "You are something else, Kei Tsukishima," you shook your head, causing his hand to fall down to the nape of your neck, where his thumb started drawing little patterns. 

 "I've been told," he took out his phone and picked a different song from his playlist before returning it to his pocket.

 "You wanna eat something while watching? Today's Friday, so I'm allowed to get takeout. And no, strawberry shortcake is not a viable meal for dinner," you beat him to his usual request. 

 "Rude," he simply sighed, "We can get ramen for takeaway if you want. I don't know, it's up to you." 

 "Ramen it is. You want from that place down the street from my house? Or somewhere else?" you asked. 

  "Any place that you have the menu for. I don't wanna stop by anywhere; we'll miss the movie," he explained.

 "Okay. But the movie doesn't start for at least another forty five minutes, you know. You don't have to worry about that," you reassured him. 

 "No. I want," he trailed off into a series of incoherent mumbles. 

 "What? Kei, I don't speak in incoherent mumbles," you teased him. He blushed, trying not to make eye contact with you as the two of you kept walking.

 "Then try learning," he refused to tell you what he had said. 

 "No, really, what do you want?" you pressed him. He sighed exasperatedly.

 "I want you to stop asking me what I want," now his nails were slowly drawing lines on the nape of your neck. 

 "Oh. Clever. Clever. Why won't you tell me? Is it something secret? That you keep inside your little heart? All locked up and private?" you tried to annoy him into telling you.

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