Daichi: Loved

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 "He's gonna kill me, isn't he?" Daichi sighed defeatedly. 

 You finished tying his tie and patted his chest. Today was Saturday, and you were scheduled to meet your parents for brunch. Daichi already knew your parents, but apparently your mother wanted to know where your relationship was headed after years of the two of you being together. Of course, you hadn't told Daichi that this was what they wanted to discuss. By now, the two of you had moved into a cosy little apartment that was big enough for the two of you and not too central together. But for some reason, Daichi was more nervous than when he asked you out on your first date back in your first year of high school.

 You had been woken up earlier this morning at 5 am to Daichi shaking your shoulder. Instead of waking up wrapped in the warm, safe haven of the arms of the man you loved, you had to roll over and lift up your heavy eyelids to face your anxious boyfriend. You rubbed your eyes to see clearly (and to make sure that you were actually having to step out of your well earned sleep because Daichi was worried about meeting your parents) and then Daichi immediately started ranting about how he was certain that your parents wouldn't enjoy the brunch and asking you whether or not he should eat breakfast and what he should wear. 

 You went to the bathroom without saying a word to him. He followed after you, intruding even the privacy of using the toilet to continue asking you his endless questions. You simply washed up, brushed your teeth and silenced him with a kiss before you lied back down in bed. He crept back in next to you and started asking if he upset you with concern in his voice. That made you laugh. The two of you were almost sat up in bed, so you just snuggled in closer to him and rested your head on his chest to try and help the tension inside of him escape.   

 But now it was 11 am, and Daichi was insistent that he wanted to get ready earlier. His jitters were returning. Somehow, you had occupied him with odd jobs around the house until about 11:30 am, but that was as far as Daichi would let you go. The both of you had showered - as you normally would on a Sunday - and picked out your outfits, and now you were getting dressed. Your parents wanted to meet at the restaurant at 1 pm, and it wasn't far away from where you and Daichi lived. From the website and the pictures on said website, you guessed that it would be a really good place. It was by a local beach.  

 You were wearing a short sleeve baby blue summer dress with a pattern of small daisies all over it. It went down to below your knees. With it, you were planning on wearing a pair of white ballerina flats. On your wrists, you wore a petite white watch. Every now and then, Daichi would keep suddenly grabbing your wrist to check the time. You wondered why he wouldn't just use a clock. Daichi wanted to really impress your parents, so he had decided on wearing a full suit and tie. He kept messing up the tie due to his nerves, so you voluntarily did it for him. You were really calm compared to Daichi, so you figured helping him might spread some of your calm onto him. You tied up the last knot of the tie and ran both of your hands down his chest to eliminate any creases on his shirt. 

 "Stop not saying anything, you're scaring me," he prodded you to answer his earlier question. You sighed with a smile on your face and held up both of your hands to Daichi's cheeks. 

 "No, Daichi, my father won't slaughter you at a restaurant in broad daylight," you shook your head. His eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

 "Y/N, are you telling me that he'll probably kill me somewhere else at a different time?" he tilted his head. You held back a laugh, which caused you to accidentally snort. 

 "No, Daichi, my father will probably never kill you under any circumstance," you fed into his paranoia by not fully providing the certainty he wanted. He shook you gently by the shoulders.

 "Hey, what's with that probably, huh?!" he exclaimed. 

 You couldn't help yourself; you burst into a long chain of uncontrollable snickers all while Daichi kept shouting maniacally at you to dispel his suspicions. You had to lean on him to support your hysterical self because your stomach started aching from how hard you were laughing. You already knew your parents were going to have so much fun at the brunch. Once you wiped away the last of the tears of joy that had spilled out, you walked over to your mirror to fix up your dress one last time. Daichi started muttering to himself as he went off to find his favourite black watch. You looked over your attire and realised that perhaps Daichi was being a bit too formal with his suit and tie. It was just a nice family brunch anyway. You hoped that he wouldn't completely break down once you told him.

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