The Boyfriend

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‘You’re nervous,’ I said with a slow smile.

He shot me a glare at my teasing tone before returning his eyes to the road and letting out a huff of air.

‘Of course, I’m nervous,’ he grumbled. ‘Weren’t you nervous when you met my dad?’

‘Maybe a little,’ I admitted. ‘Though, we weren’t dating then so I’m not sure why,’ I mused, thinking back.

‘You had the hots for me and wanted to make a good first impression on him, that’s why,’ Bradley smirked. He wasn’t wrong. ‘Is it this turn-off coming up?’

‘Yeah,’ I replied, glancing up briefly. ‘Why don’t you use that confidence right there to calm your nerves?’ I said, poking him in the side.

‘I'm only a little worried!’ he pointed out. ‘Aren’t you even slightly nervous to introduce me to them?’

‘Why would I be? You’re perfect. Anyway, I’m mentally prepping myself for the ass kicking my mom’s going to give me for running off again,’ I snorted.

I hadn’t spoken to mom since calling her yesterday. I should have probably called her again this morning to clear the air before I came home but I totally forgot. Now I’d just have to deal with her as best I could.

‘Damnit,’ he muttered. ‘Don’t say cute things like that when I’m driving.’

‘Why not?’ I laughed.

‘Because it makes me want to kiss you and I can’t.’

I smiled at that and leaned over to brush my lips against his cheek.

‘I’ll just have to kiss you then,’ I whispered before swiftly returning to my seat.

‘Don’t make me pull this car over,’ he said in a reprimanding voice but I caught the smile curving the corner of his mouth.

He parked outside my house a few minutes later and I let out a sigh. I was counting on the fact that my mom would see Bradley and end up swooning so much that she’d forget she was ever mad at me.

‘Let’s do this,’ I said, holding out my fist towards him. He rolled his eyes before bumping his own against mine and we both got out.

He joined me round my side of the car and I looked up at him with a small smile.

‘Feels kind of weird you being here,’ I admitted, picking up his hand and turning it over between my own. ‘Like two different lives of mine colliding.’

‘Good, I want to be in both your lives,’ he said, threading his fingers through my own and tucking some hair behind my ear.

‘Come on’ I said quietly, turning slightly to kiss his palm before pulling him down the path after me.

I dug around in my pocket for a moment but had a sense of deja vu as the front door swung open and my mom stood there with her hands on her hips. It was like an eerie mirror image of how Remi had answered the door to me and Bradley yesterday. I glanced up at his face and knew he was thinking the same thing. I had to resist the urge to smile else my mom would think I was making light of her annoyance.

‘Hi mom,’ I said pleasantly.

‘Don’t ‘hi mom’ me,’ she growled. ‘If you disappear like that one more time, I’m going to get you an ankle tag!’

‘Mom!’ I complained loudly. ‘I can look after myself, you know.’

‘I know,’ she said, pursing her lips. ‘That’s what bothers me most.’ She didn’t allow me time to respond and instead she turned her gaze onto Bradley. ‘And you’re the reason my daughter ran away this time?’ she asked, raising her eyebrow as she looked him over.

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