Waning in desire.

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Finally, the summer vacation is over, and It's time to go back to school tomorrow. I am not exactly happy about going to school. I am excited to meet Vian and Jay after the vacation.

We used to spend every vacation together, but this one is different. My Mom opened a new café in London. Finally, she is in good shape after dad left her. She rented a small building near a corporate company for better sales. We live upstairs, and the café is downstairs making it easy for her. The place is nice and cozy except for the constant noise of vehicles and people.

I went to London this vacation to help her with the opening. The sale was good thanks to the nearby company employees. It was a gaming company. People sit in our cafe and discuss their new ideas for games. We offered space for office meetings too and I eavesdrop every single conversation. I didn't understand most of them, but I was always fascinated by the idea of creating games. Vian and Jay love gaming, they kind of influenced me to know more about games. I don't play games except when Vian or Jay force me to do but I always loved the idea of creating a character personalized by me.

My mom wants me to move to London after I finish high school. She already has a college in her mind for me to apply to, but I am not sure. I don't know what Vian and Jay are planning to do. We promised each other that we will be together no matter what for the rest of our lives. I am sure everything will fall into place.

I want to be a teacher so I can imagine myself studying literature and Vian wants to take Horticulture since he wanted to look after his grandparent's farm. Jay wants to join a dance academy and attend auditions. I can picture us together staying in a small apartment doing our own things. I am more excited thinking about building our future together.

Vian went on a tour around Asia with his father. His father wanted him to see all the places where his mom went before he turns eighteen. While touring, Vian sent me a picture of his mom taken in a restaurant when she was traveling. It was interesting how they still had that picture. His mom looked young and happy with a radiant smile in that picture. Vian must have been very happy to see her in that picture.

We've been texting all vacation. I couldn't face-time him since he was on the move almost all the time but he never forgot to send me a picture of beautiful places and sceneries that he has been to. I am so happy to finally see him in the flesh tomorrow after a long time.

Because of us, Jay decided to go see his grandmother who is living in London with his Uncle, her son. He was just one hour away from my place, but we couldn't meet since I was busy with the café opening. But we never forgot to face time each other every night before bed.

His uncle owns a pizza place in London. Jay worked there during his stay. We recite everything that happened during the day with each other at night. Dealing with flirty and aggressive customers drained my energy a lot and talking to Jay was my stress reliever. Even though we haven't met during our vacation, it felt like we have been never apart but we missed Vian a lot.

Jay and me, together we came back from London this morning. He wanted to stay at his home tonight, and I didn't ask him why. He usually stays at mine or at Vian's. He practically acts like he doesn't have parents after they beat him to death when they found out about his secret dance class. Police were involved and they warned his parents. Our principal, Mr.Donan and Mr. Harrison supported him a lot during those days. So I didn't know what was going on in his mind when he said that he wanted to go home but I didn't stop him. As much as we hate his parents for doing this to him, I can understand that he misses them. I just hope that they give him the love he deserves.

My phone starts to ring, and I head to my bed, picking up my phone I saw my mom's name.

"Hey, mom,"

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