I blocked Joe on my phone and my social media accounts. I didn't need to see him post about how happy he was with that woman, the same woman who couldn't close her legs and cheated on him any chance she got. I gave him a shoulder to cry on when she broke his heart endless times, I was there for him during his divorce and was his attorney for his vouch for equal custody of his children. I was there for him through it all and after all that he still repaid me the way he did. During my stress period, I got really sick and was taken to hospital only to be told that I was pregnant and that I had gone through a miscarriage, that situation was literally the fuel and the Genesis of my hatred and spite towards that man. I cursed the hell out of him.

Anyway that was three years ago, and most of the pain has subsided. Today I went through my usual routine and was leaving work for home but decided to stop at one of the stores to buy groceries.

As I was snooping through the meat section, I bumped into a hard rock chest and the packed minced meat that I was holding fell down

"Oh I'm sorry ma'am here...

I recognized that voice and I looked up to be met with those dark brown eyes that I used to love at some point. It was him. The man that hurt me beyond repair, the one who managed to break me.


I felt anger and bitterness start consuming my heart and before he could say anything else I took the packed minced meat away from him threw it in my trolley and left him standing there.

I thought I'd never see that idiot again, but then I'm pretty sure he was here in California for work so there's that.

I paid and pushed the trolley to my car to load in the groceries when I had him call my name.

I ignored him and continued arranging the food items in my car. He came closer and just stood by my side looking at me.

"Y/n I understand, I'm the last person you ever want to see in your life, but please I want you to hear me out. Please give me a chance to explain things to you."

After I got done with what I was doing I wanted to drive off and leave but this man stubbornness wouldn't let me.

"Get out of my way Roman"

"Don't call me that. We need to talk, I know
I messed up and I hurt you so much baby but please let me explain I beg of you."

"There's nothing to explain Roman, I'm not your baby you lost the right to call me that three years ago when you just woke up and decided to walk out of my life."

"Baby stop calling me that and understand, I had to do it for my children, you know they always come first."

"I don't care, when we dated for two years, didn't your kids matter to you?? They did right?? When you divorced they mattered to you right?? They did. Then why did it take our would be marriage for those kids or for you to realize they needed a full family?? I want to know because you are not making any sense."

"Jojo wanted me to reconcile with her mother because she claimed that her Mom had changed and I needed to give her a second chance, plus she was being ridiculed at school for having a broken family, and I had to do it. I didn't have a choice but I regret throwing what we had away. Because Galina turned out to be worse, she cheated on me with a lot of guys, she maltreated our children. Turns out she was just using Jojo to get me to break it off with you because she couldn't fathom the idea of me moving on and marrying again especially a woman who was better than her in every aspect. Jojo regrets pleading for her, and she regrets treating you the way she did and making me stop the wedding. I am so sorry the twins (his sons not Jimmy and Jey) miss you so much. They always adored you. I'm sorry for letting a child tell me what to do with my own personal life. I'm pretty sure if you were a mother you'd understand me."

" And I would have been a mother now if you didn't break my heart the way you did. Plus did our two year relationship not matter to you that much that you had to end it with a text?? A Text Joe??"

" I couldn't face you, understand I had to do it for the kids"

"Oh really?? That's some lame ass excuse.  And how did you doing it for the kids end up for you?? Exactly it ended up worst, you ended up making their lives even hard and you deserve it, because thats karma for what you did to me and it's just the start"

"What did you mean with the statement that you said earlier when you said you would be a mom now?? What did you mean??"

Oh and here I was thinking he'd forget about it.

"You wanna Know??" I got angrier now, hot tears were running through my cheeks.

"Don't cry baby," he wanted to touch me but I pulled away.

"Don't touch me you animal, believe it or not would have been husband, Seven months after our wedding we'd have welcomed our child to this world but that won't be possible because our baby died"

"Wha- what... do you mean" his voice was trembling now.

"After you ended it, Raph gave me a three month off and a transfer. During my off, I got sick one day and blood was oozing from my thighs so much that I kind of lost consciousness. My neighbors found me and took me to the hospital where I was admitted. I woke up after a few hours and the doctors told me that my blood pressure was on the roof and that I had suffered a  miscarriage and all because of the stress you gave me because you couldn't step up to your own child. I get it Jojo is your daughter and is your first priority, but with what was at stake you could have said no to her. you let a child dictate your personal life see where it led you to. you accomplished what you wanted now leave me alone. If you've broken up with that whore you call a wife and you think everything will be forgotten all of a sudden and that  we will get back together then you have another thing coming for ya buddy, I'm not going to make that mistake twice so if you are looking for someone to play with again, go look for somebody else. Our story is over and is nothing but a past that I want to forget and never relieve. Don't ever come close to me again or I'll get a restraining order against you now out of my way."

He was speechless and tears fell lowly on his cheeks. He looked defeated as he should. I wasn't going to get back with him, I'd be ridiculous if I did. Those tears on his face used to moved me but not anymore.

He finally got away from the drivers door and I got in driving away having got the closure I needed. It was time to move on. Life was short for me to stay holding onto the past.

A/N: believe it or not their story is actually over. Fan fiction or not he really hurt her miserably and I'd be stupid to make them reconcile. Anyway there's a part two to this story BUT it's not a sequel, it's going to be a prequel, I'm just going to write about their engagement or one of the beautiful moments they had while they were still together. I had to give y'all two one shots in one day because I've been gone for awhile. So enjoy. ✌️🏾🖤

Roman Reigns smut, Fluff And Mere One Shots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon