"So that's Minty?" Noah said. Jerking my head back I see his head over my shoulder peering down at the photo.

"Jesus you scared me!" I yelped. "Yeah that's Mint. I mean no not her!" I said remembering that people don't know what she looks like.

"Mate chill I'm not going to spill."

"Oh thank god."

"So are you two like a thing?"

"What no. We're just friends."

"Says the guy starring at her picture," Noah said point at my phone.

"Ugh whatever."

~Y/n's POV~

Slowly opening my eyes I see sunlight bouncing off my monitor. Groaning I stretch and get a better look at my left monitor.

Good nigh😊

Smiling I quickly typed Good morning before jumping up and grabbing my stuff for school. Walking in the kitchen I see daddy munching on some toast while reading something on his phone.

"Hi daddy." I say as I pour some cereal in my bowl followed by milk.(yk the proper way)

"Good morning sweetheart."

"Watcha reading?"

"Oh an email from work."

"Ah well I was invited to this charity event and I think I'm going to do it."

"That's wonderful!" He said putting his phone down and looking straight at me. Wearing a big dopey grin that would make any smile back to. Wearing one myself I saw the time and thought I would get going. Telling daddy by I left. Walking around I saw that I was out earlier then normal. Wondering out but no to far I see a familiar boy wonder out of a apartment building. Walking up I see River opening a door.

"RIVER!" I shouted to get his attention. Jerking his head around I saw his face turn slightly panicked when he realized that it was me. Quick trying to go back in but to no success. "Trying to leave me I see."


"Well. Good morning."


"What's with you this morning?" I asked as he was different then usual. Just when he was about to say something a kid I want to say around 13 walked up to us.

"Aunt Casey wanted to know what's taking so long." He said then realizing I was talking to River." Is this your girlfriend?"

"Pfft. No," I said catching my laugh."I'm is guide around school because of his horrible memory."

"What are you talking about River has a really good me—"

"Y/n this is my little cousin Apollo. He's the one that likes Minecraft." River said cutting the kid off. "AGH why did you bit me!"

"No one covers my mouth," he said before turning back to me." Would you like to come up?"

"Um if you don't mind." I say getting ready to have so much blackmail on this man. Sighing River lead me to the elevator we stood there silently till we got to the top floor.

"Wait this is the pent house?" Just then the doors opened.

"Auntie, River has a girlfriend!" The kid yelled.

"WHAT!" A woman yelled before running out. A taller woman who looked beautiful came out."Oh my goddess River you did it!"

"Um," I start off with." We aren't dating. I just saw him while I was walking around before school."

The Sketch of a Bee {Tubbo x reader}Where stories live. Discover now