"I got you." He took the tray from Emilyn's hands before all the content topples to the ground. Emilyn starts taking a small step back and runs into the kitchen. She sat down at the corner of the kitchen with her legs tug into her chest. "Why is he here?" Emilyn kept questioning.

"Emilyn? Em?" Emilyn heard and lift up her head to see Ana frantically looking for her until her eyes fall on Emilyn at the corner of her kitchen. "Oh, what happened?" She asked crouching down.

"Christopher, Christopher Evans is here," Emilyn said softly. "Why is he here?"

"I invited him," Ana told her.

"Why?" Emilyn frown.

"Because we were having such a great time that day, and I want to invite him and his friends. And I know you and Christopher are close, so you can have someone to talk to instead of serving drinks at my party." Ana grimaces.

"But, I like helping you serve the guests. I don't really know many people at this party." Emilyn told her. "So what better way to fill your boredom?"

"That's why I invited Christopher."

"But I don't want to talk to him or see him ever again," Emilyn told her.

"Why?" Ana gives a confused look.

"Because I like him, I like him okay." Emilyn spits the truth out. "And I know he won't like me back."

"Em." Ana sigh. "You don't know if he won't like you, did you talk to him."

"There's no need to talk to him. I saw him and some girl with my own eyes."

"Are you serious? You just saw him and some girl doesn't mean he has someone else." Emilyn shakes her head.

"I saw him putting his hand over her shoulder and coincidentally, we went to the same restaurant and she place her hands on his. But, he didn't move his hand from her." Emilyn told her.

"Oh, Em." She hugs her.

"Now, I've fallen in too deep. I have to stay away from him." Emilyn broke the hug.

"I'm sorry I invited him, I thought that you will like it. But you didn't tell me about this."

"Is fine. I don't want to worry you about my feelings that will never happen."

"Hey, Emilyn. You listen to me and listen well." Ana said in a serious voice. "You are beautiful, any guy would be lucky to care for you and love you as who you are." She lectures, "don't look down on yourself. You are pretty, smart and the best friend I could ever have."

"Thanks," Emilyn brush her hair away from her face. "I needed that."

"Now, come on." Ana put her hand out, "you can't sit here looking sad at a party and with this killer dress." Emilyn smiles and grabs on to Ana's hands. Ana pulls her up, "Now go and have fun, don't care about that Christopher whatever his name, and please stop serving drinks to my guests, you are my guests too." Ana pulls her outside of the kitchen.

"Ana, there you are." Finley came over to us. "My friends want to talk to us."

"Are you going to be okay by yourself?" Ana turns to face Emilyn.

"I'll be fine, go," Emilyn said and let her hand go. Before Ana left, she turns and gave Emilyn a small hug. Emilyn looking around the party, seeing everyone having fun.

She sigh

Emilyn can never get used to this huge crowd. She then decided to walk around the living room, trying to see if she know anyone. There should be someone she knows, Ana invited some of their college classmates. "Hey." Emilyn bump into someone. "I'm sorry." She looks up to see who she had bumped into. "Pierce."

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