30🌙 You want some?

Start from the beginning

"Aw, you jelly." I smirked at her, and the look she gave me next, almost made me fear for my life. "Okay fine, you're just drunk and grumpy then." I threw my arm around her for some sort of comfort she probably didn't need, but just in case. She smirked as she watched me grab her drink to have a sip myself. "Ew, Soph that's more alcohol than coke!" I barely managed to swallow it at first, but then the taste grew on me and I drank it anyways. "I'm going to see if Levi is as chivalrous as your dear Ezra." I said, playfully kissing her cheek before making my way to the table and taking her drink with me.

"Hey! My drink!" She yelled after me, before leaning back into the wall. Soph you don't need more alcohol...I'm not carrying your ass up the stairs later tonight. With a smile I turned towards Grace, standing at the opposite side of the game from Jules, his eyes undoubtedly on me, as his smirk confirmed. "We'll play together Gracie. You're a lightweight." I smiled, bumping my hip into hers.

"And you aren't?" She laughed, trying to flip the cup. "So, how are his dance moves?" She leaned in to me to whisper, my eyes catching Levi do the same to Jules at the other end of the table.

"Quite, exciting." I whispered, with a smirk, unintentionally wetting my lips at the thought. Jules caught the tale telling look on my face to which he playfully cocked a brow.

"YEAH!" Grace suddenly yelled, before taking the shot, and I started in the next cup. "Luna what happened to your back?" You're drenched." Grace giggled at my side.

"Uuhm, it's snowing outside." I shrugged with another grin on my face, pressing my lips together as soon as I realized.

Grace leaned in some more, disturbing my concentration. "Snow angel?"

"Yep." I said shortly, still trying to flip the damn cup. Yes!!! I flipped it and instantly took another shot of tequila, keeping my eyes locked with Jules as I did. Mmh he's too far away.

"So, did you kiss?" She said while focussing on the cup as now it was her turn. "Come on, I want to know everything." She looked sideways, keeping her voice quiet because the boys could easily hear us if she didn't.

"You're nosy, I tell you later." I put both lips in a straight line and did a zipping motion, showing Grace I was not planning on spilling any details at the party.

"Yeah!" Levi yelled as he was able to flip a cup as well. "You have it Ju, I'm driving." He nodded at Jules to take the shot and so he did. All I could do was be frozen to the floor while I watched the glass touch his lips. Damn, where do I sign up to become a shot. I inwardly pouted at the thought that the shot glass was having what I wanted. His eyes fell briefly on me, before taking the shot slowly, deliberately to torture my sight, my mouth instantly parting when he brushed his tongue across his lips to get rid of the liquid. Shit, that's uuhm... There was something about it that was so damn attractive it made me burn, my face bright and my core now definitely even more tense than before.

"So, who's beating who." Ezra suddenly said out of nowhere when he came up to Grace and I from behind. "Looks like the boys don't stand a chance." He grinned before throwing his arms over the both of us, instantly halting the game.

"Hey, Ez. Paws to yourself okay." Levi laughed, but somewhere in his voice he was kind of serious.

He pulled us into him in a friendly and playful manner, making both Grace and I laugh and he nearly put us in a headlock due to his height. "Relax, I know these two are all yours." He raised his voice for everyone to hear, making both Levi and Jules smirk with contentment. Well, now everyone knows.

"Shouldn't you be cuddling up to someone else?" Grace laughed, nodding towards Sophia at the other side of the room, who was now talking to two not at all bad looking guys.

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