The Two Who Were Alone

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Abby opens the door slowly and I peek through. Inside showcases tubes connecting to a major source that lights up with a blue hue. People in lab coats type away on keyboards as a noise generates through this giant source. I gulp and look at Abby.

"This is so fucked." Abby nods as she looks at me.

"Hide over there, I'm gonna talk with them." I nod and have Connie and Aya follow me as we crouch down and hide behind a shelf. Abby walks up to the men and one of them looks at her.

"Good evening ma'am. State your name please."

"Abby Woods."

"Abby... Abby, ah there you are. Please join the rest of the participants in the next room." She nods and heads over to the said room. We watch as she closes the door. A few seconds later, I get a beep from the pager. Before we entered the room we are currently in, I gave Abby a pager to let us know what we should do or what she was going to do. The pager read 'There are a few people inside. I'm gonna try something.' My brows stitch together.

'You mind telling me?' I wait a few seconds.

'I'm gonna try and break the ceiling so they could turn into the creatures.' My heart stops. I show the message to Connie and Aya.

"Is she insane? What if she turns into one too?" I look at Connie and I ask myself the same question.

"Maybe this was a plan she came up with right away." Connie looks at Aya.

"That doesn't make it okay!"

"I know that, dumbass! But do you really want those selfish pricks to live? Think about your mother." He sighs.

"Yeah, I know, don't guilt trip me." A new message comes in. 'Some guy just asks to have sex. These people are really lonely. Should I continue with the plan?' "Yeah, tell her to begin." I nod and message her back. She responds with an "okay."

"You think we can try and go in the room to help her?" Aya suggests.

"I don't think we should risk getting caught. Remember, they want us dead." She sighs.

"True, but I don't think she should--" Suddenly, a bang from the inside of the said room erupts. Everyone looks at the door with confusion, and a second bang erupts. The men look at one another.

"Jerry, go check on it. You're on break." Jerry raises his eyes and scoffs.

"Really, Ronald? It's because I'm on break that I shouldn't check! You're not doing much anyway, just being John's bitch boy."

"Hey, don't go there!" Another bang erupts and Jerry groans loudly.

"Just do it man! Don't be a pussy."

"Alright, fine! Jeez. I'm gonna need a vacation after this." He didn't have to check after it suddenly burst open to reveal Hellborns. My eyes widen as I see them, but not because of those things, but because I can't find Abby among the crowd. "What the fu--" His sentence gets cut short when one of the Hellborn jumps on him and bites his neck. Everyone in the room freaks out as they try and run away from them. Some of the Hellborns managed to snag some of the men, killing them within minutes. Aya, Connie and I emerge from our hiding spot and put on our protective gear. Connie and Aya race to the Hellborns to eliminate them while I search for Abby. When I enter the room, I see her looking up at the sky. She managed to break a medium-sized hole.

"Abby, what are you doing?! Let's get out of here!" She laughs in a low tone.

"Why leave when I'm seeing such a beautiful paradise? Come, look at this beauty Indigo!" She looks at me as her arms extend. "Let's enjoy this paradise together!" Her eyes start to bled as she quickly transforms. For some reason, my eyes start to water. Connie's right. Everyone we let in into our little adventure ends up dying or betraying us. With Abby, I thought it would be different, but in the end, Connie was right. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Opening my eyes, I pull out the pistol that Abby pointed at me before coming here.

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