A New Approach

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As we enter the basement, I take a look around. Every inch of the wall is covered with posters of bands, girls, and girls in bands. A PC and gaming console is set up in the corner while the middle has a TV along with a couch and kickstand. A few items like seltzer alcohol, snacks, and a bong were on the kickstand. I scoff at this. When Connie and I were in eighth grade, Adam was a troublemaker in his junior year. He would sneak into the house with all kinds of rare goodies that were made for adults, but he still got a hold of them anyway. "This place looks exactly how I remember it." Connie says as he sets me down on the couch, moving the items and placing my legs on the kickstand.

"Well, I like it, so changing the design might ruin it." Adam says as he fetches a bottled water from his mini fridge and hands it to me. Unlike Connie, Adam likes to use mommies money and spend it on stuff like this. His interior designer friend helped him out with his actual furniture and knick-knacks in his house, but in his man cave, he made everything himself. Props to him for creating something like this all on his own. The two boys sit on the couch with a sigh and Connie turns on the TV. The news is playing when I remember something.

"Uh, guys? What about the dead body upstairs?" They look at each other and groan.

"Adam, go do it. You just watched everything happen."

"No Connie, you do it. All you did was tackle him to the ground. Indigo did all the hard work." I beam on the inside.

"That's such a lame excuse! Right Indigo?" I cringe at my name being called. I didn't want to get involved with brother drama.

"Connie's kinda right Adam. You didn't do much." He groans some more.

"Fine, but only because it's two against one." He lifts himself off of the couch and heads up the stairs. When he's out of sight, Connie looks and examines me. I look away while my face gets hot.

"You sure you're okay? I would be pretty freaked out if I had to do something like that." I nod.

"Yeah, I'm okay. My dad took me hunting once or twice when I was 13, so I got the hang of it before he died." Connie nods and looks back at the news. Suddenly, we hear Adam scream. We prop from the couch and run up the stairs as fast as possible. When Connie opens the door, we see Adam, but no body. I start to panic again. Of course he can't be dead! Richard took a longer time to transform, so why didn't I think of that?

"Adam, what happened?" Adam looks at his brother.

"I swear, as soon as I opened the door he vanished!" We all look at each other. I decide to grab my sunglasses from the kitchen table and put them on, racing to the door.

"Indigo, wait! It's too dangerous!" Connie yells but I don't listen. The boys look down as I open the door. I take a look outside and find the streets empty. It's quiet, too quiet. I take the gun and inch my body outside some more. Connie finds his sunglasses while Adam finds his helmet. He rips two holes for the eyes and they both join me outside, Connie with a kitchen knife and Adam with a baseball bat. Adam closes the door as we venture out.

"This is really stupid, Indigo." Connie informs me. I roll my eyes.

"You don't think I know that? I'm practically shitting in my pants right now." Adam chuckles.

"Ha, shit... Woah!" I turn to Adam's direction and see none other than Richard quietly grumbling.

"Kill me...Indigo... please." Richard says. He did say that they could speak, but I didn't think this well.

"Richard, how? Indi already tried the forehead, so do you have any other suggestions?" Connie says as he points the knife at him. Richard repeats himself before running in my direction. Seriously, why is it always me?! He falls on me while the gun falls from my hand as he tries to bite my neck, repeating what he said earlier once more. I close my eyes and scream as Adam smashes Richard's body off of mine like a home run. Connie grabs a fistful of his hair and places the knife on his neck. Without a thought, he slashes the blade on the base of his neck, blood erupting like a volcano. Connie lets go and Richard's body falls. I get up from the floor, grab the gun, and shoot the back of his head multiple times. When I feel satisfied, I stop and drop to the floor. I gasp for air as Connie and Adam embrace me.

Connie whispers into my ear. "I promise you that no matter what, I won't let them touch you ever again." I start to tear up. Adam and Connie hold me tighter as I cry, their eyes closing, but only one with tears in their eyes as well.

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