Rush To The Scene!

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"Connie, stay here. Aya needs help getting ice chips." He shrugs.

"It's not like I can move properly anyway, but have fun!" I smile and roll my eyes as I exit the room. I find my way around the hospital until I find B3, which reads on the top 'File Room.' I make sure no one is looking as I open the door knob slowly. When I slip in, I find Aya on the floor reading files. She looks up and sees me, and I see her calm down.

"Maybe next time before almost giving me a heart attack, you respond on the pager." I sigh and take a seat next to her.

"Yeah, yeah, my bad. What are you looking at anyway?" She looks back to the files in her hands.

"I really was on my way to get ice chips when I overheard two doctors talking. They told each other about what they heard about what happened with the sky. When they were walking back from the same room, I hid in this room. I got curious, and I think I found more information about everything." She hands me one of the files. "That's one of the doctor's that participated in this whole thing. There isn't a lot about the event itself, but it states reasons as to why they should be spared. At the bottom of each file, though, is an address. My guess is that it leads to the root of it all." I look at Aya.

"And you found all this out in the last 10 minutes?" She chuckles.

"There's a lot y'all don't know about me, pumpkin." She winks at me as I roll my eyes. "Anyway, I think we should talk about this with Connie, don't you think?"

"Definitely, though he's gonna be so mad at you." She cocks her head to the side. "I'm sure he wanted to be the one to find all this out." She forms an 'oh' on her lips and laughs quietly.

"That sounds like something he'd do!" She calms a bit before speaking again. "How's he holding up?" I bit my lip. I should tell her the truth, right? Well, here goes... everything.

"He's fine physically, but he's kinda losing hope. You don't know this, but when it was just the two of us, we had a few people join us. Connie calls it a curse, and I don't know if I should agree with him, but so many have died in our hands that it's hard to let people in. After his brother died, he thinks that everyone that joins us is gonna die eventually... especially you." I look at Aya. Her eyes widen but then soften. She smiles, chuckling.

"I had a feeling it would go there."

"Aya, I--"

"No, it's okay! In fact... I thought I was gonna die soon too. When this whole thing started, I had just lost my mom. I really lost all hope, but when I saw the three of you, I thought 'maybe, just maybe, I can live and experience this shithole with these people instead of ending it all.'" I look at Aya with sad eyes. Who would have thought that under that happy face would lie such sadness and despair? I grab her hands and look at her, giving her a smile.

"I'm glad we could save you." She nods.

"Me too." She clears her throat. "Let's get back to Connie, shall we?" I nod and I help her up from the floor. When we exit, the alarms on the walls go off. We see some doctors and nurses rush to the exit. Panicking, we rush back to Connie's room. "Connie!" I open the door and it shows an empty room. I look at Aya and we run to the exit. Out of panic, some people turn into Hellborns. Looking down, we try and locate where Connie might be.

"There's that thing inside the emergency room, hurry!" I hear one doctor say as he runs out of the building. I look at Aya.

"He has to be where the Hellborn is!" She follows my lead back into the building. I pull out my gun and find my way to the emergency room. I burst the doors open to find Connie smacking the Hellborn with the IV stand as he yells dramatically.

"Connie, what the fuck are you doing?!" He looks at me while still smacking it.

"What does it look like I'm doing?! Help me!" I sigh and aim at its head. It falls to the ground and I quickly try to find something sharp.

"Looking for this?" I look at Aya and see a scalpel in her hand. I thank her and get close to the Hellborn, slitting its throat. Blood spews everywhere, landing on my shirt.

"Aw man." Connie laughs at me. "And you!" He stops and freezes. "Why are you out of bed?" He puts his hands up.

"Some doctor decided to just commit suicide and his dumbass looked at the sky and he transformed and I heard the screams so I rushed to the scene and everyone was running away and I was like 'what scaredy cats man!' and wow I feel dizzy..." Before he could finish his dialogue, he falls to the ground. I smack my forehead.

"Aya, help me carry him please."

"Aye, aye, captain!" She salutes.

"Please... don't." She stops and helps me to his room.

+ +

"What the hell are we going to do now? We have to see if that address is the real deal or not! I mean, what if everyone ran there already? We have to go there now Indigo!" I rub my temples as she keeps panicking. "We could be missing out on something that could potentially help with all this shit--"

"Can you just shut the fuck up for a second, Aya?!" She immediately shuts her mouth. She looks at me sympathetically and I take a deep breath. "Sorry, that was shitty of me." She puts a hand on mine.

"Don't apologize, pumpkin. This whole thing is stressful, so take it out on me! I'm your friend, and I'm here to listen to you." We hear giggling in the background, so we turn our attention to Connie who is now fully awake.

"Ha, gay." I get up from the chair and lunge at Connie. He freaks and we both fall off the bed as I hit him across the head multiple times. Aya laughs and falls off her chair. We all laugh. I notice after we wined down that I'm basically on top of Connie. My eyes go wide as I get off of him and pat my clothes.

"Never say that again." He raises his hands in defeat and gives me a hidden smirk. My cheeks go red as I hear a noise from outside. It sounds like a car engine... Connie's car engine.

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The Two Who Were AloneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora