"Char are you sure you want to do that? I mean that's just going to get you in trouble also"

"Trust me when I tell them why I re arranged her face I'm sure they will understand"

"Charlie, no. Harry will get out of this. There has to be another way. Until we figure out what it is, it's better to play it safe and let him take the fall. They have no proof besides her word versus his."

"I'm not going to let him take the fall for something I did! Are you being serious right now? This could get him sent back home. I can't let that happen, no matter how angry I am with him. He's the father of my son and I can't let him go to jail for something he didn't do"

"He got himself into this mess remember? You wouldn't have kicked her ass if he hadn't of cheated in the first place. So in a way it's still his fault"

"I don't care. Two wrongs don't make a right. I have to tell them it was me"

"Well talk to him first. See what he wants to do. He may be willing to take the fall. It's the least he could do"

"I'll talk to him. I'm going to say bye to Aidan"

He nodded and I slipped past him into the apartment. Aidan was sitting on the couch just holding his doll.

"Hey mommy's leaving can I have a hug?"

He looked at me and I watched his eyes grow bigger before he suddenly burst into tears.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" I knelt in front of him and he brought both his hands up to his face rubbing away the tears. He never cried. Not like this. Only when he was sleepy or getting in trouble for misbehaving.

"I want to go home" he wailed and I felt my heart sink. He wanted to be with Harry. I couldn't blame him, I did too. Just not the Harry that I married. He had changed and I wasn't sure who he was anymore. With everything that was going on I knew I was making the right choice by staying at my parents for now.

"I'm going to call him today, okay? Ill make sure we see him tonight"

He nodded and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I love you, Aidan. Mommy will get it figured out. I promise"

I kissed his forehead and his small fist continued rubbing his eyes. I was going to be late to work and it looked like I would need to call Harry before I got there.

"Tell Lo I'll be back around four"

"Cool. See ya later Char"

I made my way to the entrance level of their apartment building, quickly pulling out my phone and calling Harry. It went straight to voicemail and I tried again. This time he picked up.

"Hel- hello?"

"Harry, it's me Charlie"

"Baby I know it's you. You think I deleted your number or something?"

"It's hard to tell since you haven't called once to check on our son"

"I was giving you space. I didn't want to upset you more by calling all the time"

"You can call to talk to Aidan, Harry. That doesn't mean we have to carry on a conversation"

"Is he with you now?"

"No I just dropped him at, Lo's. Which is why I'm calling you. Niall told me you were arrested?"

"Oh. That.."

"What's going on, Harry? Why didn't you call me? As mad as I am you still should of told me. That affects more than just you"

"Can you meet with me today? For lunch?"

Alive (Sequel to Breathing)Where stories live. Discover now