Chapter Four

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Today was a bad day. Hydra had found me again. I had to kill three agents to fight my way out. Now I was on a train, headed far away. My plan was to move to Australia. It seemed pretty cool.

I sat in my seat, scrolling though the phone I had bought for myself. This one wasn't connected to Hydra at all. I looked through the news feed, seeing that Hydra had launched an attack on the Avengers tower.

Not my problem. Although I hoped that the Avengers won.

The train shook as an explosion sounded overhead. People started murmuring and speaking frantically. Some children began to cry. The train stopped at the station.

Then the train blew up. I threw my power out across the whole train, shielding everyone individually. The train rocked and we were all thrown to the floor and into walls. I looked up to see every single passenger coated in a golden light.

At least my shield was working.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked.

Everyone nodded or murmured agreements.

"Okay, we're all getting out now," I said.

I forced the doors open with my power and got everyone out. I went from carriage to carriage, making sure that people got out. I was about to go back into the train for a final check when another explosion went off. The roof above the stairs to the exit began crumbling down onto the civilians who were still trying to escape. I threw a hand out towards the roof and golden wisps shot out of it. The golden wisps stretched into a massive blanket-like shape and held the debris up from the civilians.

The strain on my power was getting big now.

"Please! My son!"

I looked over to see a frantic woman trying to run to the train, only to be held back by three other civilians.

"Don't worry, I'll get him," I assured the lady.

I ran back into the train. I felt the tug on my power as I walked through the train. I found a little boy hiding under a seat, encased in a golden light.

"Hey, kid, it's okay. I've got you," I said, extending out my hand.

The little boy grabbed my hand and I pulled him out from underneath the seat.

"It's okay. I'm going to help you," I said.

"Are you an angel?" he asked.

I smiled at him softly.

"Yes, and angels don't let people get hurt," I said.

I picked him up and rushed him to his mother. She cried when she saw us and thanked me over and over.

"Okay, you need to get out now," I said, feeling a twinge of pain in my abdomen at the extended use of my power.

I ushered the woman and the child up the stairs and into the streets. Luckily for them, police officers were right outside the train station entrance. They ushered the civilians away. I used my powers to fly above the buildings.

Hydra agents filled the streets. They were firing at anything that moved. That included the Avengers.

Hydra attacking the Avengers was now my problem.

I flew down to the ground and landed in front of Hawkeye in a superhero pose as a Hydra agent shot for his exposed stomach. I blasted the agent with my power and then covered Hawkeye in a shield.

"What's this? What are you doing to me?" Hawkeye asked.

"Relax, it's a shield," I said, and then flew off to help the other Avengers.

I placed a shield around them all. It also helped me distinguish who was the enemy, and who was a friend. I blasted and engaged in hand-to-hand combat.

I sent a wave of golden power at the agents. They fell unconscious when it touched them. Eventually, we took them all down. I was breathing heavily as I faced the Avengers. Iron Man raised his blasters at me. I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon man, aren't we friends now?" I grumbled.

Tony nodded at something behind me. I whirled around and saw the handsome dark-haired god standing behind me.

"I apologise," he said.

Before I could react, he encased me with green light, and I blacked out.

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