Chapter 11: he feels so nice

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A/N I went to colorado this week to see snow bc texas dry af🙄🖐

3rd person pov

Jimmy was going to bed WITH yuri still on his back. He got in his bed and fell alseep.

Yuri woke up first before jimmy which is suprising. He yawned then looked at jimmy. He stared at him.

"Jimmyyy~ wake up" he said at him

He wouldnt wake up so yuri started kissing him everywhere to wake up. Little kisses on his neck.

"Mmm" jimmy said as he woke up.

Yuri pushed him against the wall he kissed him slowly. Rubbing his hands against him.

"I'm so happy" jimmy proceeded to say

Jimmy then sees tonno walk past by and of course yuri's door is always open. Toono looked disgusted. Jimmy then pulled away from yuri and went up to close to door. Yuri then got a notification from his phone so pulled up his phone and saw something exciting so he pushed his phone towards jimmy excited. It was from the president in the photography club saying that everyone at 14:24 need to go to queens burger(can you guess) and it was 13:30 right now so they need to get ready

Jimmy walked out of yuri's dorm to go to his own but yuri ws so clingy to him.

"Dont go" yuri said in a sad voice.

Jimmy wouldnt want yuri to be sad so he just stayed in the same clothes as yesterday on their phone till the time comes.

It was time so they got up and started walking out with the club but yuri got tired half the way so he got on Jimmy's back and fell alseep and the walk was like 10 minutes.

"Isnt he......" itome then looked up down at jimmy carrying yuri. "Heavy....." he said continuing his sentence

"N-no hes good" jimmy said lying while struggling to keep him up.

They finally reached the place. The set up and ordered and of course yuri woke up. all of them sat next to their couple's but aki didnt have a person so he sat next to yuri and jimmy(yuri was on the right jimmy was in the middle and aki was on the left) and yuri was still pissed at aki so he pushed jimmy closer to him hissing at him jealously.

They all ordered their favorite food and was eating. Akis hand then reaches for Jimmy's. He grabbed his hand rubbing it.

"Ehh" jimmy said disgusted and pulled his hand away

Yuri then noticed so he kissed jimmy again making jimmy almost pass out from embarrassment. He then pulled back jimmy was in a blushing mess btw. Yuri then had enough of aki flirting with jimmy so grabbed he akis hair and slammed his head against the wall.

"MINEEEEEEEEEEE" he then screamed and everybody and I mean everybody in the place looked at them. He shoved the rest of his spaghetti that he ordered down his throat. The rest of the people also when back to eating not caring about aki.

"Mmmm I-im going to the bathroom" Aki said.

As soon as he left yuri sat on Jimmy's lap. He got alittle startled at first but hes good. Yuri then wanted to tease him abit so he started moving his hips making jimmy moan.

"You hear that" one of the members said.

"I-I dont hear a-a-an-anything". Jimmy said studdering red

They went back to eating but yuri kept doing it. Jimmy covered his mouth to keep in his noise. Yuri didnt like that so he did it faster. Jimmy felt like his eyes were bulging out. Yuri the started to do slow pace again. Jimmy bit his lip not wanting him to stop but at the same time he did want him to.

yuri x jimmy ^w^Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat