six. feelings

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warnings: mentions of anxiety
& depression

WINNIE WALKED INTO HER ROOM WRAPPED IN HER SHEETS. she looked at the brunette boy who was laying in her bed, scrolling through his phone.

"incoming!" she shouted before jumping on top of the man, consuming him into the sheets also. giggles escaped their mouths, winnie felt the boy wrap his arms around her.

"you little fucker!" george laughed out, rolling on top of her as she kicked and giggled. "leave me alone!" she shouted. the sound of her laughter made the boy more than happy, he enjoyed seeing the girl happy.

to george, the girl was his platonic soulmate, they both understood each other. to winnie, george was also seen as her platonic soulmate, he was one of the only people who knew how to help her, whether she had relationship problems, family problems, or even panic attacks.

george knew about the secret side of winnie. though she seemed like a happy and joyful girl, she was quite the opposite.

the girl was diagnosed with depression and anxiety after a very messy breakup with her ex girlfriend. it had basically ruined her, yet george had stayed with her throughout the entire thing. he was the one who made her feel safe, he was the one she could talk to, she felt safe to confide with him.

george was super protective of the blonde girl, but when he heard that his best friend basically had a tiny crush on her, he had no clue what to do.

he knew the girl had severe trust issues, and he knew that she hadn't been with anyone since the whole breakup. so what was george supposed to do exactly? well, he had no clue, but he certainly didn't want to tell winnie about it in case she'd get nervous.

george groaned as he hit the hard wood floor. after a few seconds, he soon felt winnie fall on top of him. he grunted, watching as she had a large grin on her face. he smiled, rubbing his eyes as she laid her head on his chest.

"george," she spoke, hearing him hum in response. "do you think dre- clay, likes me?" she asked, letting out a deep breath. "why would you be asking me that?" george's eyebrows furrowed. "do you like him, win?"

"i don't know," she shrugged, looking up at him, keeping her position on top of him. "i know that i really enjoy talking to him, it's just- y'know, i haven't even been with anyone since... her." winnie said, letting out a large sigh.

"well, do you want me to be honest with you?" he questioned, feeling her nod. "he very much enjoys talking to you too, and he might have a small crush on you," he began. "but i don't want you to rush into anything. i want you to take your time, think about how you feel, think about how he makes you feel."

"i'm really scared." she spoke, wiping her now cloudy eyes. "and you have a right to be scared. i just really want you to be happy." he replied, rubbing her back.

"i love you, thank you george." winnie smiled slightly. "i love you more, win." he smiled before placing a small kiss on her head. "i'm always here for you."

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