one. pig guy & green blob

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tommyinnit is now live!

"HELLO CHAT!" tommy shouted as his sister watched the chat fill with numerous comments. "today, we have a special guest," tommy looked at his sister who was standing out of frame. he nodded as a sign for her to come into camera view. "this is my wonderful, not really, sister winnie." he said, yanking her so now everyone could see her. "hi everyone!" she grinned, waving at the camera.

"on this wonderful day, i'm forcing my sister to go on the dream smp since all of you keep asking for her. consider me making dreams come true." he put a thumbs up before he sat his sister down in his gaming chair, giving her the headset before pulling a chair for him too. "this is gonna be fun." winnie huffed, moving the headset so it fit her head perfectly. "have you played minecraft before?" tommy asked his sister as she nodded. "obviously, it's all you ever fucking talk about." she spoke as she bit into a piece of chocolate.

"oh shit." tommy spat as she joined the server, seeing technoblade's character staring right at them. "oooh, is that pig guy?" winnie turned to face her brother, who was clearly trying to hide his laugh. "y-yes, that's pig guy." he said in between laughs. "hello, tommy." technoblade's voice popped in, startling winnie a bit. "oh hi, not tommy, but hi." winnie spoke, hearing technoblade cough. "w-what? who the hell are you?" he asked. "tommy's sister, i'm much more likable than this whore." she grinned, causing tommy to smack her arm. she mouthed the word "ow" as tommy held his hands up in defense.

"so does tommy's sister have a name?" technoblade cut in, diverting winnie's attention back to the computer screen. "winnie, nice to meet you pig guy." she spoke, making tommy cover his mouth. "pig guy's name is actually technoblade, but people usually just call me techno." he answered, making winnie nod. "i prefer pig guy," she shrugged. "so pig guy, anything fun to do around here?" she asked, following his character as they walked on a wooden path.

"not right now, it's calm today." he replied. "oh hey, there's george and sapnap." he said as him and winnie stared at the other two people. she heard two beeps before two new voices filled the voice chat. "george what the fuck?" one voice spoke. "sapnap, shut up." a british voice, most likely george's, spoke. "hi." winnie smiled, tommy had mention george and sapnap before, but she had never spoken to them.

"woah- what happened to tommy's voice?" sapnap questioned. "that's his sister you idiot." the british voice responded. "awww, i have fans, tommy. they know who i am." winnie clapped with joy. "she sounds pretty," sapnap said. "are you pretty?" he questioned before tommy slammed his fist on his desk. "don't flirt with my sister you prick!" he shouted, causing their mother to shout. "sorry mom!" winnie shouted before hitting tommy on the back of the head.

winnie heard one more beep, indicating someone new had joined. "oh god, who joined now?" she sighed. "woah, tommy sounds different." the new voice spoke. "that's tommy's pretty sister." sapnap replied. "how do you know that she's pretty?" technoblade asked, silence filled the call. "did you stalk my instagram?" winnie's eyes widened, she let out a small laugh. "holy shit," the unknown voice spoke. "she is pretty." he said.

winnie watched as a green character walked towards the group of people. "who the fuck is the green blob with the shitty smiley face?" winnie questioned, hearing everyone laugh. "no, seriously," winnie paused. "who is that?"

"that would be me." the man spoke. "dream?" winnie said, smacking his character with tommy's character. "ouch." he said. "that was the fakest ouch ever, you whore." she spat, making george let out a chuckle.

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