Chapter 25: Another Boring Day at School. Right?

Start from the beginning

"Umm, wasn't it in a theatre, in one of those balcony seats?" She got it mostly correct, but she forgot the name of the theatre.

"It was a theatre, but to be more specific it was Ford's Theatre."

The bell rings, and we're dismissed to our next class. At least these teachers let us go when the bell rings, and not when they dismiss us. I do a dance in my head, because I get to do Home Ec! Most of the time, it's like we just get to do whatever you want, as long as it's something useful. We wouldn't be allowed to just play video games. I side eye Richie when I think that.

Right now, I'm working on a dress for my birthday, since it happens soon. It's weird, I'm turning 13 now. I know that I'm a little younger than Beverly, but it's just like two months. At least I'm not dating one of the Bowers gang or anything. Addison was born in 1975, so he's turning 14 this year.

In Home Ec, Richie and I enjoy "messing" with each other's projects. Sometimes I'll steal some tools he needs, and then he'll use my fabric as a cloak, or steal the food coloring I use. It's a fun game, well, it's not really a game, but it's fun nonetheless.

I'm not sure what Richie's doing currently because he won't let me see it I'm thinking, that maybe it has something to do with Eddie. But that doesn't explain why he's hiding it, since I know he likes Eddie. I understand that he wouldn't want other people to see, but it shouldn't be anything too risqué.

Unlike in literature, I bother Richie instead of him bothering me. It's much more fun when you're not the one being bothered. He does get annoyed with me, but he loves me too much, so he doesn't do anything to retaliate.

"I said it was a secret, which means it's none of your business." He covers up, whatever it is that he's making, with a cloth. It's a very opaque cloth and I can't see through it.

"Why won't you let me see it? Is it really that embarrassing?" I keep trying to lift up the cloth, but he keeps blocking my movements. For a scrawny kid he's pretty fast. I mean, not that I would tell him that, I don't want him to get an ego. Besides, he's probably going to grow up famous, after he leaves Derry. Hardly anybody leads a successful life in Derry, it's such a shitty town. The only people I can think of that had a semi successful life, are-actually, I can't think of any right now.

I know for a fact, that I am leaving Derry as soon as I can I know that I'm going to move to, probably New York, but you never know. I'm hoping to get some small acting jobs. Who knows, maybe I'll be famous. Wouldn't that be great? Me, a famous Broadway actress.

I talked with Richie a little bit more, I'm not really about anything important. We just discuss things like crushes, history, and the occasional dirty joke.

The second I see Beverly she's already in class, probably because she got off early maybe anyways, what's important is the fact that she gave me a hug. she did look a little bit confused after she pulled away, but didn't say anything so I didn't think much of it.

A couple minutes before class starts, she taps on my shoulder. "Why are you wearing Richie's clothes, and if they're not Richie's, then why do they smell like him?"

Apparently she didn't notice that when she saw me walk in, with the Loser's I might add. "I was at Richie's for a study project, and it was too close to curfew, plus it was really rainy, so his mom told me to spend the night and I didn't have clothes, as you can see." I gesture at the clothes I'm wearing. She should care less then Addison did, because I'm not dating her -yet-.

Beverly's P.O.V.

Y/n didn't come home after her date yesterday. That kind of scared me, but her mom said she was spending the night at a friend's house, but she didn't tell me which friend, so that still scared me. When she walked in with Bill and his group of friends, wearing something that looked like Richie's clothes, I felt jealous.

Ma Chérie (Beverly Marsh x Fem!Reader) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now