chapter 25

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                       Narrator POV
Dr.Caustic was in Natalie's room, waiting for her to wake up. Everybody else where in the cafeteria talking about what will those 2 psychopaths do next. "What is they're goal?" Asked Crypto "We don't know, but I think that Revenant is planning revenge on Hammond and Syndicate" answered Anita "I mean they killed bunch of Hammonds guys so..." Added Eliot "Whatever is their goal, it will be dangerous for the city and us" said Wraith and everyone nodded in agreement.

Octavio was going back to the complex. On his way he was thinking about those words that Revenant told him. It was unexpected words from him. He got closer and disguised himself as Ajay so security will allow him to enter. Security let him in and he got to the elevator. He pressed the number and now was going up. He looked in the mirror behind him. When he was looking at it he disguised himself as many people such as Ajay, Eliot, Wraith, Pathfinder, Loba, Anita, Alexander, Tae Joon, Bloodhound, Makoa, Revenant and Natalie... When he saw her in the mirror tear started falling down from his eye. Loud ding was heard in elevator. Before doors fully opened he transformed into himself and left the elevator. He looked around to see if somebody was there and lucky him nobody was there. He got closer to Natalie's room and got in. Nothing changed everything was on the same spot. Artifact nowhere to be seen. Diary is still there... He got in the bedroom and saw Alexander sitting there. Nox looked at him. His facial expression was the same and he continued staring at Natalie. Octavio sighed and sat on another sit. "Did you and Revenant finished your plans? Or did he just let you go out for an hour" daredevil looked at sociopath "We finished..." "And what was the mission?" Psychopath was starting at Natalie "Killing him" Caustic got surprised 'That was the mission? Ending simulacrums life?' he thought. "Do you know when will she wake up?" Asked Octavio and Nox just shook his head. "But what was the reason her going to Artifacts?" Alexander knew that if he would say the truth Octavio would get angry and kill Crypto but..."Crypto's kiss was the reason..." Octavio chuckled "Such a terrible boyfriend..." Caustic looked at him confused "They are in romantic relationship?" Octavio looked back as confused "They aren't?" Caustic shook his head "I don't remember them being together... After your death she hated him. She even cursed at him which I would never thought that she could say something like that" Octavio was in his thoughts now. "Wait so they never were together... Even when I was alive?" Caustic shook his head once again. Octavio looked at the ground and ran his fingers through the hair. "Love is blind..." Said Alexander. Octavio sit in the normal position again "I still had reasons to kill myself... A lot of them. Natalie and Tae Joon just pushed that wish further" Alexander and Octavio continued staring at her. "So Cryptos name is Tae Joon?" Daredevil nodded "Tae Joon Park. And I know everything about him, about you, about everyone" Nox looked at him "So you know what I did..." Psychopath nodded "You and Tae Joon are step brothers if you didn't knew" Alexander smirked "I know..." Then Ajay walked in "Hey Caust-" when she saw him she just stood there and was looking at him. She got closer to him and hugged him "I'm sorry Octavio..." Tears were falling down on his shoulder. He hugged her back "No worries... You did a right choice to help people" she got out of the hug. "I have good news for you two" said Ajay happily. Sociopath and Psychopath looked at her curious "Natalie must wake up soon" Octavio smiled widely but was scared at the same time. Smile faded away and only fear was on his face. "What's wrong?" Asked Ajay "Don't you see who I am? I think you see..." Ajay looked at the ground "I don't really think that she likes guys who kill bunch of people and their own father" Ajay put her hand on his shoulder "Yeah... But she likes guy who always was there for her, who always cared about her, who loved and will love her" Octavio looked at Ajay. He didn't say anything but his eyes were saying 'Gracias' but then they all heard groan. Natalie was waking up. Before she could open her eyes, Daredevil disguised himself as Wraith to hide himself. "G-Guys..." She was looking at Ajay and 'Wraith' "D-Dr..." She looked at Alexander. She was trying to get up but Ajay stopped her "Not now. After an hour you will fell better and then you can get up" Natalie nodded "What did I missed?" She asked them "Well... Revenant and..." Ajay looked at 'Wraith' and 'she' shook 'her' head. "Mute... Stole our artifact, Hammond robotics leaders died, and I think we lost" Natalie sighed "Actually I think we won" said 'Wraith' "How?" Asked Natalie "Revenant is dead, Hammond is dead. I think we are all free from the Bloodsport... Well Job" Natalie was confused. She wanted to say something but Dr.Caustic interrupted her "I think you and... 'Wraith' need to talk and he will explain everything to you and then everything to us" Natalie looked at 'her' "He?" "I-" 'She' didn't had any words "We will leave you two" said Caustic and they both left. "Wraith... What is going on?" 'She' sighed "Can I ask you a question?" Asked 'Wraith' "Sure..." "How do you feel about... Octavio being an criminal... Well murderer who killed his own father and more people... Will you still love him?" Natalie was very confused "It's... Very random question... But I'll still answer it" she inhaled "I will... still love him... Even if his a murderer. I know that inside of him is a... Scared little boy who just wants attention and love" tear drop started to fall down from Natalie's eye "You... Don't know... Through what he lived" Natalie heard strange sound and looked at the source that was making it "Actually... I know" her eyes widened... More tears were starting to fall from her eyes and slowly going down to her cheeks. She didn't had any words... She... Was very happy at that moment "Octavio?" She hugged him tightly and he hugged her back as tightly. "Octavio... I-I love you..." He also started crying "T-Te amo mi conejita" they stopped hugging and were looking in their red eyes... They were getting closer to each other... Their lips were getting closer to each other... And they both fell in a soft kiss...

                         3 years later...

             (You all know this song)

Octavio Paquette and Natalie Paquette where living at the beach where they bought a little house and they where outside laying together on the bench and listening to their favorite song.
"If you like Pina colodas..." Octavio started singing "And getting cought in the rain..." Continued Natalie "If you're not into yoga..." "If you have half a brain..." "If you like making love at midnight" song continued itself "Why you didn't continued?" Asked Octavio and she smiled "Look at the sun..." She said "It's... Going down and?" She got closer to his face "It's midnight..." He smirked "I love you..." He said softly "I love you too..." She said as softly and they had... Pretty close hugs. No more deaths... No more sadness... Only those 2 enjoying their happy life together...

                            The end.

I don't think that a lot of people will like the ending but hey it's my story so... Fuck you. And yes husband can take wife's last name. 

Thank you so much for reading this story. I really enjoyed writing it, so maybe I'll write another one!

This ship... Always makes me smile. And Wattane's community is... So friendly and talented in different things (I'm talking about arts and fanfics) Even if Wattane will never be canon and I must stab myself 500 times in the eyes with pencil because Wattson and Crypto will be cannon... I don't care, I will still love this ship like many other people. Thank you once again. Love you! ❤️❤️❤️



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