chapter 21

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Wattson POV
Another pylon down... I only had 4 left and they were around me. One prowler tried to attack fence but got shocked. "Sheep, sheep, sheep it's time to sleep. Rest your head, it's time for bed. And In the morning... You'll be dead" sang Revenant. I don't have much time anymore. I don't have bullets in R-99. I don't have hope... They broke pylon and they breached in. I shot one of them but another hit me with claws. He hit my right hand. And then stomach... Everything slowed down. I couldn't hear good. Everything was blurry. Then I see bullet flying to prowler and killing him. Last thing I saw before passing out was Ajay coming at me with D.O.C.
Mission... Failed...

                         Octane POV
"What did your father do to you that you hate him that much?" I looked at him "A lot of things" he rolled his robotic eyes and left the room. "Are you ready for the angry oc-train padre? I bet you are..."I was already there. There was 5 Hammond robotics van. It will be satysfing to kill more of them. I looked at the left side and saw 2 special Hammonds van. Those special vans had pretty dangerous guys.

(Okay so those guys are from Payday2 Bulldozer,Cloacker,Medic,Taser and shield. No sniper. When I first wrote this chapter I explained what they can do but Conflicts to save this chapter and that stuff messed up whole thing. I re-wrote it many times and I'm lazy to re-wrote it again. If you want just search for them on google or YouTube. Sry I'm just lazy)

I had Alternator P2020 and katanas. I got closer to the 4 floor mansion. I looked at the giant doors and I hear my fathers voice from the speakers "Well hello there you freak. You really thought I wouldn't expect you here? I know that you came here to kill me but... You are the one who will die here. Gentleman would you please bring me his mask after you kill him?" And I heard multiple shots coming at me.

I hid behind the cover. They stopped shooting and were moving at me slowly. I took out alternator and shot every one of them. Before there bodies fell on the ground I ran through the hallways killing more of them. Are they even professionals? Or am I just too fast for them. I looked behind and saw a lot of blood on the walls, floor and on their bodies. I look forward and continue to the second floor. First thing I saw were 2 shields. I got to cover. Bullets were flying next to me. I heard them reloading and pushed through them. I kicked one down and when shield fell on him I heard something break. One started shooting at me. I dodged them, got to his back and shot him in the head. Shield fall on another shield and I saw blood splashing from bottom. I heard R-301s sound and I quickly took one shield from the ground. It was heavy but I have robotic legs and arm. Bullets where hitting shield. I ran with it hitting one guy. I dropped shield on him. I heard him gasp and then cracking sound. I shot 5 more of them and I heard high pitched willing noise. I looked behind and saw man in black and gray uniform with green lightning in his eyes running at me. I tried to shoot but he kicked my gun out my hands and then hit me in the head with police bat. "Work smarter not harder" He tried to attack me once more but I catched it and punched him in the face. He fell on the ground and before he could get up I hit him with that bat. He fell once more and I continued hitting him repeatedly before I could see blood pool coming from his head. Loud footsteps were coming at me. I took P2020 and ran to those footsteps. I had adrenaline rush now. I couldn't stop killing them. I shot one in the head. Second guy tried to shoot me but I was faster and killed him. I kicked last one to the wall and was kicking him in the head. After 3 kicks I killed him. Next floor.

"How is he still alive?! KILL HIM!"

I got to the 3rd floor. I heard something recharging. I kicked the door and I got tased. "Lighting bolt LIGHTNING BOLT!" I couldn't move and I couldn't even control where I was shooting. Bullets where flying everywhere. It hit a lot of them even that taser guy. And when it hit him I was free from that shocking thing. I picked his gun from the ground and shot taser directly to his head. And I can say that he got brain shocked. I shot more of them. "I'm here and I brought drugs!" Said guy in red and guys who were injured just magically got back in the fight. Everyone was aiming at me. I took out both Katanas and Medic said "FIRE!" Bullets started flying at me. I strated spinning both of my swords and was successfully deflecting every bullet. I was slowly moving forward and they were slowly backing off. After 10 seconds all of us heard clicking noises. They had empty magazines now. I got ready to speed up. "RUN!" said one of them and well... that's what I did. In running progress I was killing them with cuts and slices.

"I don't think that you are professionals. You can't fucking kill one guy. KILL HIM!"

4th floor. I didn't had gun I only had swords. This is gonna be tough. I was taking breath before going in. I was looking at the doors. This door... Reminded me more of my father. This whole mansion reminds me of him. And I hate it! I hate him! I hate this whole fucking mansion. I grip swords handles tighter. I looked at reflection in the sword. My mask broke little bit. I could see my right eye and little bit of forehead. There was blood on the mask. After what I will do now my so named "friends" will not accept me anymore. I breathed in and out. I got ready for another round of run and kill. I just rushed through the door and saw 2 shields again. I looked at the wall that was next to one of them. I ran to it and jumped off it. Before lending I stabbed one in the top of the head and after I landed I stabbed second in the stomach. I didn't had time to pull out second Katana from another guy because another Cloaker came in the picture. He was running at me and did flip before kicking me in the head. I aimed at his throat with katana but he dodged it and punched me in the stomach and the kicked me in the head once again and I fall on the ground. My mask... Fall off. He wanted to punch me but when he saw my face he stopped. "What the?" I used that as my advantage and pulled out katana from dead shields head and stabbed him in the knee. He screamed and I pushed him back and took my mask. I put it on quickly and pull out sword from his knee so I can kill him with it. I took second katana that was laying on the floor and... "You are against the wall and I AM THE FUCKING WALL" oh shit. I heard shotgun shot. I hid behind the door but another shot and half of the door wasn't there anymore. "You can't ran from me psycho and you CAN'T KILL ME EITHER" I need to take shotgun from him and kill him with it. But first I must took off that face plate. "Surprise!" He came in the room. I ran to him and slide between his legs. I got at top of him he tried to shoot me but I kicked it out his hands. I put katana at the place where the face plate was attached and took it off. "You little shit" he dropped me forward. Good for me because I took shotgun now. I shot at his visor and it broke. Glass got in his eye and he screamed. I put barrel to his face, cocked the shotgun and pulled the trigger. Blood splashed through visors space. I was taking breath. I could hear how I was breathing so I wasn't muted anymore... I think Cloackers hit broke that thing that was muting me. "His there!" How many of them are even left?! I cocked the shotgun and picked to see who was there. It was only Taser and Medic. I knew that Taser would be at that spot and I shot threw a wall and it hit him. Medic tried to help but I got out from the room and shot him in the head. I finished off Taser and... Here I am Padre.

                         Lifeline POV
When we took Wattson from there she was in really bad situation. She could died there any second now but thank God that we got there in time. Everyone was in her room. "Will she be okay?" Told me Caustic. "She will... Trust me. She now needs someone to take care of her" "I will!" Said Crypto immediately. "I will not leave you alone with with her Gutter Rat" Crypto said something in Korean and stayed silent. "I'll be with her" said Caustic. I nodded in agreement and then... "Guys! We need to go NOW!" Told us Anita. "What happened?" Said Bloodhound. "Massive shooting in Silva's mansion. Octanes house" my eyes widened "Blisk told us to go there and help Hammond. That muted guy is killing everyone in there!" "We must save Octavios father!" Said I and we all rushed out of the room except Caustic. Time to save Octavios most hated man.

Longest chapter. Even if you remove that info about special units. When I type shooting scenes I always take 2 characters and put then in Mute. John Wick and Jacket. And God I love making references in this story. "Sheep, sheep, sheep it's time to sleep" Sammy Lawrence from Bendy and the Ink machine. See ya!

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