chapter 24

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                         Octane POV
Welp they know... I hope Revenant knows that I'm here and will come and fucking get me outta here. We are so close to finish this, so close. I can automatically say that I lost friends, fans, best friend but especially her... I don't really care about first 3 I only care about her...

                        Narrator POV
Octavio was laying down on the bed with his arm blocking the eyes from the light. In the room there was sound of a door opening. Psychopath looked who it was and it was Eliot with food and drink. "I thought you would need something to eat and here you go" it was pork chops and wine from his bar. "I coocked it and the wine is from my bar" Jester put food on the bed. "I don't require food or water. I only eat and drink to feel taste. I only require rest and sleep nothing else" Eliot sighed "You, eat it. I know that you love pork chops" and daredevil layed back. Eliot took food and was leaving the room but then he turned around "How many people have you killed?" Daredevil opened his eyes and looked at him. "I wasn't counting and I don't want to know" Eliot nodded and left.

Octavio tried to sleep but he couldn't. Thoughts of Natalie knowing that it was him all time along was horrifying  him. 'She will hate me' 'She will never forgive me' 'She will want me dead' 'She will cry' 'She will do something bad' For some reason he thought that Natalie will think about suicide and tears started falling down from his eyes. Why did he thought about that? Why should Natalie kill herself? Because of him? Because of a guy who killed his own father? He laughed out loudly. More he was thinking about that more he was laughing. He was losing his mind now... He got up from the bed and was holding his hands to his head like he was feeling pain. He got closer to a metalic wall and started beating his head to it. He hit it 4 times and dropped on the ground. Blood was slowly falling down from the wall and from his head. He had no emotions on his face... only sadness.

                        Revenant POV
He got the source code. But failed to come here. Augh I must save him now.  I was getting closer to the building. It's better to go from above so I climbed all the way to the roof top and got into the building. "Where is he now?" I heard voice and hid behind the wall. "We can't kill him!" "If we will not he will kill more people!" Bangalore and Gibraltar were arguing about Octane I guess. "Didn't you thought about Natalie Gibby?" "It will be better for her too if he will be dead!" They continued going there way and I got to the lower floor. "It's MARVELOUS" "It's creepy and scary. He doesn't have a heartbeat but still has fast reflexes, speed and mobility" "That's why it's marvelous Dr.Ajay... That's why its marvelous..." Caustic and Lifeline were talking about his hearth. They should thought about his soul and not hearth. His more violent then me. I got 2 floors lower and saw blue iron door. It needed password. I checked for finger prints on the buttons and I tried all the combinations with those numbers. On the third try it opened and I got inside of It. He was laying on the ground. He looked at me "Finally what took you so long?" "What happened here?" I was pointing at blood on the wall. He looked at it "It's just... Never mind" I shrugged "Where's source code?" He put his right hand into the pocket and took out the chip. "Here ya go" he threw it to me and I catched it "Let's go now"

                         Narrator POV
Gibraltar wanted to talk to others about this whole situation with Octane. He called everyone in the cafeteria. Legends were coming one by one, and when everybody was there he started talking. "I was thinking about this whole thing... I don't think that we can bring back Octavio" he was looking at the ground "It's impossible to be a normal person again after what he did" Ajay put her hands on her eyes. Whole room was filled with bad emotions. "It will be better if we will give him to the police or even if we will... Kill him..." Ajay got closer to the giant "HOW CAN YOU SAY THOSE THINGS?" tears were falling down from her eyed "I shouldn't leave him... It's my fault that he started using this Drugs" Loba put her hand on Ajay's shoulder "It's not your fault... He just had hard past" Ajay looked her in the eyes "I could told him about side effects of it... I shouldn't leave him in his hard times. I knew that he had depression... He told me about it. But I still left him without saying a goodbye" and she left the room. "And what that his a psychopath? His a sociopath and why we can't have Octavio?" Eliot was pointing at Caustic who nodded in agreement "I want Ms.Paquette to work on her scientific progress but she needs break sometimes. Even if she will be on the break Octavio has mind of a scientist. That's what she told me" Ajay ran back to the room "HIS GONE!" Everybody ran away from the cafeteria to check the room that Octavio was in "Shit..." Said Eliot and they started searching for him.

"It was... BELOW MY LEGS ALL TIME ALONG?" Revenant was very angry when he got coordinates of where his head was. "Skulltown... I don't think that there will be any defense. We can just go and turn it off" Revenant calmed down and nodded "Finally we will end this"

They flight to the King's Canyon and found bunker which was leading to his head. They opened it and jumped in. "Door needs access... Fuck okay I'll try something" Octavio was trying to hack the door but Revenant just crushed it and got in "Or we can do it this way" there were a lot of Revenants and at the end was his head. They were slowly getting closer to it. Revenant stand in front of the head and was looking at it. "Finally I can die... After all this years... I will finally see them..." Octanes eyes widened "Who them?" Revenant looked at him "My... Family" Octavios mouth was slightly open. He didn't know that Revenant had family in his past. "I will finally see Lucille and George" Octavio sighed and typed numbers into the password. On the screen appeard something and on that something was 'Do you want to turn off program Revenant?' Octavio looked at the old robot. Revenant nodded and 'Program Revenant has been shut downed' "Now you must kill me and explode my head so no one will ever turn me back on" Octavio took out the P2020 and was aiming for his head "Before I die take this" Robot gave him his red bandana (Or what the hell his wearing) "Think about your death Octavio... Do you want to die alone, now... Or with the girl that you love the most, later?" Tear drop falled from the psycho's eye. "Thank you for everything you did to me Octavio... Thank you for... Bringing me back to my family" Octavio smiled "See you on the other side..." Robot nodded and daredevil pulled the trigger killing him. He took the bomb that had remote control. He put it on the glass in which was Revenant's head and ran away from there. He looked at the skulltown then at the gift from Revenant and pressed the button. After 3 second massive explotions happened and skulltown feel down in the water. "Rest in peace... Friend..."

To be honest I always feel that writers can always make Octane more then what he is now. Guy didn't get any lore in past 7 seasons. You will say "MMM but he was Narrator for season 7 comics and his father is terrorist" him being Narrator for the comics is nothing. His father got more lore this season than him. Sometimes I think that they made Octane for 2 things
1-Add something new in Lifelines lore
2-Die in every Trailer and Gameplay trailer.     

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