Chapter 19- Under Pressure

Start from the beginning

"Got it!" Sakura finally announces as the door unlocks and opens, turning around and seeing the chaos for the first time, soldiers littering the ground, debris and uprooted trees as well. But, amidst it all, the second she notices Chaeyeon's injury, Sakura bolts towards her, trying to patch her up with the limited supplies they had.

"Are you okay?" She asks worriedly.

"Evidently not." Chaeyeon says with a chuckle.

"This was supposed to be the easy part. Are you sure you're up for the next stage? You could stay here and guard Noe if you want." Sakura offers.

"Aish, don't get so worried. I'll be fine. Besides, you're gonna need me in there." She responds.

"I'll stay behind then." Chaewon's clone speaks up.

"I'm already guarding Juri's unconscious body. I might as well take care of Noe too. The transports are on their way to our position to take them in. You guys need to keep moving."

"Chaewon's right. We need all the strength we have for the next phase." Hitomi says.

"Understood." Chaeyeon nods. "Let's get in there then."


"Eunbi-unnie, look, over there.." Wonyoung whispers over the eldest's shoulder. They'd managed to fight their way past hallways and corridors trying to get to central command, and according to the schematic Sakura had relayed, they were almost there. As Eunbi surveys the open room around the corner, she sees what Wonyoung had pointed out. It was Jurina talking to a Japanese scientist, right in front of the main room. The group can just make out the quiet conversation they were having.

"The new weapon is doing wonders, I see." Jurina mentions.

"We managed to iron out the issues based on Dr. Park Eunseo's report." The older man responds.

"Good, the boss will be very pleased. We'll be able to have control of South Korea within the month with these." The way she says it sends a shiver down Eunbi's spine. She had a sneaking suspicion on what the new weapon was, and the next exchange confirmed it for her.

"The test subjects responded very well, but we've lost contact with mutants 3 and 5."

"Their little team is here. We have to apprehend them quick and take Miyawaki in alive. The rest..." She trails off as a beeping sound from a device in her pocket catches her attention. Jurina takes a quick glance and smirks before continuing. "...should all be killed." She turns towards Eunbi's group and disappears into thin air. The scientist is stunned, looking in the intruders' direction before trying to run off.

"Hyewon, don't let him get away!" Eunbi yells. Hyewon complies shooting a bolt of ice that freezes the man's feet to the ground. Before Eunbi could give her next order, Jurina strikes. Coils of darkness spawn around the group, grabbing at them all. Hyewon is knocked down, but manages to keep the tentacles at bay with her ice. Wonyoung tries to stop them with less effectiveness though as the incoming attacks were not solid. Wonyoung is tangled and squeezed by the darkness.

"NO!" Yujin yells as she forces pipes to burst, allowing the water to act as a whirlpool with them in the middle. The darkness is cut off, but only momentarily as the receding wall of water reveals Jurina waiting.

"Hello there, girls. It's been a while." She muses.

"Not long enough, traitor!" Eunbi yells. She is what's standing between Jurina and her friends and she wasn't about to let her get by.

"Traitor...what an interesting word. A traitor to who exactly? Mutants? I could say the same about you and humans. We are very much alike, you and I..." She says.

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