"Very good Mr. Zabini. Tomorrow we will be learning a few hexes that can be used during duels, but most only be used when necessary." I say to the class.

Lunch time

I make my way from my classroom towards the Great Hall for lunch I hear students talking. Normally I wouldn't pay attention to what they are talking about, but these conversations are something that raises concern for me.

Conversations amongst random students in the hallways

"Have you heard about Servius Malfoy?"

One replies, "Yeah, can you believe he's a third year and has slept with almost half of the Ravenclaw girls?

Two girls are talking, one says, "I heard he's really good too. I wouldn't mind getting a piece of that action." The other says, "Me either."

End of listening to conversations.


Draco and dad walk up to me, Draco speaking, "oh my Merlin's, our son is a whore." Dad looks at me, "At least I can't blame Malfoy for this one. I can only blame the personality and looks on him. As far as I know, both you and Draco have slept with each other." I feel the hear rising off my body, "I swear if he gets a girl pregnant!"

A girl walks by blushing, "Hey Servius." "Hey Amanda." Servius replies winking at her and stares at her butt as she walks away.

Another girl walks up to him, "Hey Serv" he responds with, "Hey Lace. We still on for tonight beautiful?" She smiles at him, "Most definitely. 8:00 right?" "Most definitely" biting his lip as she walks away.

"How many girls is our son sleeping with?!" Draco becomes furious. "I'd love to fucking know!" I say in a serious tone.

"I had fun earlier Serv" a girl in Hufflepuff robes says. He smirks at her, "I did too angel. Maybe again tomorrow? My dorm after lunch?" She nods her head in acceptance to his offer.

Draco becomes enrages, "Servius Oliver Malfoy! Get your ass over here right now!" Servius walks up to us, "Yes father?" I try grabbing Draco's hand, but he's too quick to move it, "Stop being a manwhore! You're making this family look bad! You will catch a disease or get a girl pregnant! We raised you better than this! You do not sleep around!"

"Calm down, I'm not you and mum. I know what protection is!"

"EXCUSE ME?! For your information Servius, me and your father were each other's first times. Only people we have ever slept with is each other! So you better get your shit together right now, or I WILL SEND YOU TO DURMSTRANG INSTITUTE! Do you understand me?!" I say in frustration. He looks at me, rolling his eyes, "Fine. I'll see you guys later!"

Before he chance to walk away, Lycissa comes up to him in an outrage, slapping Servius. "Servius, you need to stop, because now all the guys think I'm just like you and will spread my legs for them! I'm with Lorenzo and I don't want them. I could possibly lose my boyfriend because of you!" He looks at his sister with an upset looks in his eyes, "Cissa, I didn't mean to!" With the disbelief look on her face, "REALLY?! You didn't mean to?! You have slept with half of the girls at Hogwarts! I don't think that just fucking happens! You're such a damn git! Do me a favor and stay the fuck away from me!" She runs off with tears pouring down her face.

"Let's go find and talk to her." I tell Draco and we go to find her. I knew exactly where she would be, so we make our way to the top of the Astronomy Tower. Draco looks at me, "She's like you when it comes to hiding." "I told her that's where I used to go to think and let off steam. I guess she decided to take that as a safe spot." I reply

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