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Just a disclaimer, this was just an idea I had. It's weird, I know. But you know what? You're even weirder for clicking on this.

Just kidding. I love you. Please don't kill me.

Anyways, I have a few other disclaimers that I have to mention in order from very important, to least important.


1. There's going to be some serious language, suggestive themes, along with some other... topics. I rated this story mature for a reason. Additionally, I'm probably going to get really descriptive about the gore (especially in the first chapter), so if that doesn't appeal to you, then please don't read. This is a Yandere fiction after all.

2. This is going to get weird really quick. By weird, I mean weird. A very uncomfortable weird. A freaky weird. You may think having a piece of ramen as a love interest may be weird, but everything about this is weird.

3. The story itself is a joke. Everything here is a joke. Please don't take it seriously. It was just an idea I had.

4. I'm open to ideas, so if anyone has any, lay it on me.

5. The cover does not belong to me. I just pulled up a picture on google. The picture was for some journal on amazon.

Now that that is out of the way, I'll have you know that again, this is a Yandere fiction. That involves ramen.

Ramen does not become sentient and ruin your entire life, the entire ramen industry, or the economy. That would be weird. And ramen does not become sentient and force feed you his brethren. That would be a whole different level of weird.

You may proceed with the story now.

And remember! If you don't like, please don't read. Actually, it might be better if you don't read this at all. This is going to be trash.

Don't say I didn't warn you, because I totally did.

Spicy [Yandere! Sentient! Ramen x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now