Chapter 23 - No One to Trust

Start from the beginning

"Yes, let's get out of here."

The three of them start walking away from the sorcerers' house and toward their home. As they get to the center of the village, they see a few people, who eye them strangely when they see Robin carrying Alfred, but no one stops them or tells them anything.

As they finally reach the woods that lead to the caves, Alfred is already able to walk and Lauren has finished telling the others about the sorcerers' visions. She explains that Mr. Adams is working with a group of new vampires, and that they want to kill Lauren.

"And you say that whoever in our community is working with that hunter is powerful enough to control the sorcerers?" Chelsea asks.

"Well, that's the only thin that made sense to me." Lauren replies. "We know that there's someone on the inside working with them because an outsider would never get access to the inside of the caves, and the twins couldn't see who that person was because there was something – or someone – blocking their magic."

"Well, we know that only the omegas have that kind of access to the sorcerers." Robin comments.

"And the betas, because they were omegas before." Alfred adds. "They aren't supposed to have direct contact with the sorcerers while they're betas, but they've had access before and I'm assuming it wouldn't be too hard for them to get it. I mean, some of them are in charge of establishing connections with different communities, and the sorcerers are used for that sometimes."

"Right. So, either an omega or a beta is working with our enemies." Chelsea concludes. "That narrows it down a bit, but definitely not enough for us to be able to figure out who it actually is. I don't know about you, but I can't think of any omega or beta who would like to destroy our community."

"I can, but she doesn't work with the sorcerers." Lauren comments, and only realizes she said it out loud when she sees the others turn to face her. "Alice's sister, Charlotte."

"She wants to destroy our community?"

"No, but she wants to destroy Alice and the rest of my friends."

"I suppose so but, like you said, she doesn't have contact with the sorcerers. She works with patrols and teaches fighting classes. Besides, would she risk losing her home just because she wants to hurt her sister?"

"At this point, I don't know anymore. I feel like we can't really trust anyone."

The four vampires get back to the caves, and they are told that Harold is waiting to meet with them in his office. All of them go there, and the three alphas are there to hear what they have to say.

Lauren starts explaining what the sorcerers saw when they held her hands, confirming that Mr. Adams really wants to get revenge for what she and Taylor did to him. She also makes sure to inform that he's with a large group of new vampires, and a blonde woman and a man seem to be helping him prepare the others. Finally, she talks about the theory that whoever is helping from inside the community is controlling the sorcerers.

"I'll look into it." Edgar assures them, since he's the one in charge of the omegas. "If any of my omegas are helping our enemies, I will find out."

"And I'll look into the betas." Leanna adds. "But I know my people, and they would not sabotage our community. I can assure you of that right now." She sounds offended that that could even be suggested.

"We can't be sure of anything at this moment, sister." Harold tells Leanna, which only makes her angrier. "What we can do right now is reinforce the security and outside patrols. Everyone who can be spared will start patrolling, and I want patrol teams outside at all times." He turns to Edgar. "Talk to the omegas, and get them teaching everyone how to fight. If this enemy is coming, we have to be prepared."

"If I may ask, could Taylor come out with us on patrol?" Robin asks Harold. "She knows how to fight, and... And I know she wasn't allowed to be on patrols because of the things she did in the past, but..."

"But she didn't do anything that I haven't done." Lauren finishes. "In fact, I've done worse things than she has. And she really does know how to fight and can help us."

"We need everyone's help." Harold says. "Taylor can go out in your patrol group. But you've just gotten back, so get some rest. Tomorrow, you'll get back outside."

"With all due respect, I would like to get back out there right away." Lauren replies, and looks at Robin, who nods in agreement. "We both would. This would never be happening if it wasn't for our presence here, and we want to make sure we do everything we can to prevent an attack."

"As you wish. Just make sure you're in conditions to be alert. If you're too tired, you won't be any help to us."

"Yes, sir."

"You may leave. When you do come back from your patrol, make sure to report everything you see, even if doesn't seem important at the time. It's imperative that this community doesn't fall."

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