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Temari's POV

When I woke up I was nestled on top of shikamaru's chest, my blonde hair was literally everywhere. His firm arms were securely wrapped around me and our legs were intertwined. It was a cold morning but our bodies generating comfortable heat around us.

Shikamaru was still asleep, so I took the opportunity to study him which became my hobby ever since I live here. His powerful frame, not too muscular but not too thin was relaxed at the comfort of the bed. His face was softened by sleep and his kissable lips which I love to kiss and most specially his dark long hair that made him more irresistible. God I'm totally eye raping him early in the morning. 

When I had enough of watching his sleeping figure, I tried to get up from our tangled bodies because I wanted to prepare breakfast for us. I tried once more to get up but his embrace only tightened and I was shock when he sleepily mumbled, " Tem. It's so early, let's sleep moreee" 

He then pulled me back and snuggled closer to me. I didn't fight anymore and rested my cheeks against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. which made me feel contented and happy by listening to its rhythm. 

It was only a few minutes later when I felt him stir from his sleep and when I felt him loosen his arms, I look up to him and he pulled me closer and kissed my forehead then gave me a heart melting smile. A genuine smile. I was in daze. Shikamaru smiled genuinely at me. He gave me a genuine smile that I didn't see for a long time.

He tucked some of my hair that's getting in my face "Did you sleep well?"

"I..you.." I sat up and cleared my throat only the comforter covering my nakedness " I slept well"

He also sat up and wrap his arm around me and kissed my nape then smiled before gathering our scattered clothes. He went back at me and he personally change me into my clothes.

"come on, I'll be the one cooking breakfast today"

We went into the kitchen and he was busy scavenging cabinets, looking for what to cook while I sat at the island counter lazily looking at him busied himself. when suddenly I thought of ramen. the one naruto always eats. Upon thinking of it I felt like I tasted its flavor in my tongue which only intensified my desire to eat ramen.

I sat up and actively said "shika I want ramen"

He momentarily stopped searching the cabinets and turned to face me with a confused stare both his hands on his hips. Dang! he looks so adorable with that green apron on. "I thought you hated ramen?"

"No!!" I replied rather harshly " I only hated it that one time because naruto made me eat that thing almost everyday"

"okay that is understandable. only that idiot can eat ramen all day long. but tem, seriously ramen? for breakfast? that sounds, I don't know weird." he made a face before going back to his scavenger hunt for food.

His reply snapped something within me and it was only a second before I annoyingly look at him " But I only want ramen. nothing else!"

He stopped from what he is doing once again and stand straight to face me... again "w-what? ramen for breakfast? No. That doesn't sound healthy at all."

I was close to really snapping back at him when I raised my eyebrows at him "But I only want ramen! I don't want anything else!" 

"But tem-"

I didn't let him finish what he was about to say when I stood up from where I was sitting and  went to the cabinets to find the necessary ingredients for ramen. "Excuse me I'll cook for myself "

I was tiptoeing trying to reach out for the mirin at the top of the cabinet when I heard him sigh behind me and the next thing I know he was already behind me and effortlessly reached out for the mirin. " I'll make it for you. so go back to where you were a while ago"

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