Chapter 4

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Percy's POV

Two months. Thats how long it had been since the gods and demigods thought that I had betrayed them. Truthfully the thought that they thought that I would ever try to betray or injure them still hurt and there was no way to change that. The one person that had hurt me the most definitely had to be Andrew. I fell into Tartarus to save him and he repayed me with betrayal.

All those thoughts swirled in my mind as I was fighting the monsters. I quickly slashed Riptide at the last monster and watched as it turned into golden dust and went down to the pit.

I took a sigh of relief as it went away.

I had been fighting monsters almost all the time and I was tired. I had finally been able to master all of my abilities that had been given to me by the gods, with the help of Void. He had been a great help to me during the time when I thought that I was alone.

He had become a constant father like figure in my life that Poseidon had or never would have been able to become. Void had been with me at my lows not Poseidon.

Even if Void could not come to me in his human form since the gods could be able to sense his presence he was constantly there for me whenever I needed him.

Sometimes quietly listening to what I wanted to say or sometimes giving me advise when I need it.

After being banished from camp I had made the decision not to go visit my mom that is because mom was pregnant with a baby girl and as much as I wanted to go visit her I knew that I would only put her, Paul and my little sister in more danger. Also I knew that if I told mom about what happened to me, she would go on a rampage.

There was also a small part of me that was worried that maybe Poseidon or someone else had told mom about what had happened and she believed them. I know that my mom would never believe such lies about me but I also never thought that my friends and Gods would too.

I had already lost so many people in my life I did not want to lose more so I did not go to my mom's house. I was thankful that I had visited her when I had made an excuse to Chiron that I was going to see my mom.

Suddenly I felt Void's calming presence enter my mind. "Hello, Void" I greeted him. "Hello Percy" he greeted back. "What happened? Anything that you need me to do?" I asked.

"Yes, in about a few minutes my son, Chaos will appear before you." he began " He will ask you if you would go with him to his planet and if you want to become an assassin or the commander of his army. I want you to accept his offer though the choice of what you want to be is yours." He concluded.

"Alright Void, as you say." I said. I could almost feel his smile."Thank you" he said in return before his presence disappeared.

Though I was not happy about leaving earth, I knew that Void would never do anything that would purposely hurt me. I sat down on a beach nearby and waited for Lord Chaos to come.

I did not have to wait long. A few minutes later a swirling portal opened up before me and out stepped a man. Whom I could only identify as Lord Chaos.

He kinda looked like a younger version of Void. But instead of Void's deep blue and almost black eyes, Lord Chaos had black eyes which had almost every colour swirling in them it almost looked like there were many supernovas happening at the same time in his eyes.

After forcing myself to look away from his mesmerizing eyes, I took in the rest of his appearance he had space black hair with pale skin. He looked around twenty years of age, which was around half the age of Void. He was wearing casual wear, which I did not expect from the co-creater of the universe. He stood around the height of 6'4 or 6'5 which was made him tower over me, something I was not used to as I was myself at the height of 5'10.

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