Chapter 1

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Hailey POV

Beep beep beep... 

My alarm went off promptly at 8am and I let out a groan before turning it off. Rubbing my eyes lazily, I got off the bed in one swift motion and started washing up. After spending about 20 minutes washing up, I took another 5 minutes standing in front of my cardboard thinking about what to wear for the day. Don't misunderstand this part because it sounds as if I have a wide variety of clothes to choose from but no that's not true. I was frustrated because I only have a few clothes left and was afraid that it might not last me long enough until the end of this week. 

I took a glance at my phone and realised that I will soon be late if I don't make up my mind and get dressed now. So I grabbed a brown hoodie to go with a pair of ripped jeans and hurriedly went down the stairs. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I sighed at the emptiness of the house. It was used to fill with liveliness and joyous laughter until everything was gone with the blink of an eye. I felt a prick in my eyes and shook my head before stepping out of house and headed to work. 

I took up about 2 part time jobs and I was lucky to be able to find jobs. Well, although they aren't some fancy jobs, but they were enough for me to sustain my life and for me to foot for my mother's hospital bills. So basically in the morning I would work in a cafe and at night I would work at a book store. Both jobs pay rather well and I just could not be more than grateful. 

As I stepped into the cafe, I was engulfed into a tight bear hug by my best friend, Cassidy. We've known each other for about 3 years ever since we started working together at the cafe. This cafe was owned by a pair of friendly and loving elderly couple known as Mr and Mrs Jills. They treat me and Cassidy like their granddaughter and we just love them so much. But it is so unfortunate that they are getting old now so they have passed the store to their daughter, Melissa. She is also another wonderful human that Cassidy and I love but she just got married recently so we don't get to see her as often now. 

"Hailey I miss you sooooo much and I'm still angry at you, right." her facial expression literally changed from a happy to angry one within like 2 seconds. Wow. 

I hugged her back and shot her a wide smile which hopefully could simmer her down a bit. I mean I felt bad because I forgot to video call her during the days that she wasn't at work and she told me that she actually waited for my call for a whole night but I just didn't call her at all. Whoops. But thankfully my cute smile did made her less angry and I saw her expression falter a bit. Great, that's why one should not smile so often such that it will be a rare sight and a life saver. 

We were caught up in our conversation for quite a while until we heard the bells at the door started chiming. Customers started flooding in within minutes and our hands were moving like crazy and I swear to god people might think that we were some artificial intelligence because we were moving and behaving like one. 

Time passed by rather fast today so it was already 4.30pm and it was time for us to pack up. Cassidy and I wrapped up the store within 10 minutes and we bade farewell to each other before I head to the book store for my shift. Upon reaching there, I saw someone lurking around the book store. It seems to be a male around 6'1 with rather broad shoulders and judging from his silhouette, he looks pretty muscular.

I continued to stay at a corner to watch the guy's movement and grabbed my phone from the pockets, ready to call for help if he tries to do anything funny. Just then, Mr Anderson, a regular customer of the book store, came out from the store and the man jumped when the door opened. But soon after, the man grabbed Mr Anderson and tried to force him into a car from what I was seeing.

Clenching my fist tightly, I ran up to them and pulled the guy's suit before swinging a punch to his face.

"What the hell do you think you are doing? Trying to kidnap an elderly? Or trying to rob the book store? Well, too bad because you aren't getting any of those tonight. You're going to rot in jail." With that, I whipped out my phone in my hand and started pressing numbers to call for the police.

Before I could enter the last number, the guy grabbed my hand tightly and I tried so hard to get rid of his hold but I just couldn't.

"What the fuck woman?!?!? Can you please get what's going on before running your mouth and hands off like a madwoman? And ouch fuck your punch hurts like shit for a shorty like you." the guy lashed out at me while holding his jaw.

Excuse me?!? Did he just call me a madwoman? And insulted me for being short?!? WOW. What a wonderful evening I have here.

I then turned to Mr Anderson and asked, "Mr Anderson, are you all right? Don't worry about this crazy guy here I will settle him with the police so rest assure that he will ever appear in front of you again."

Mr Anderson burst out in laughter all of a sudden and I raised my eyebrow at him. Did everyone lose a screw today or is it just me?

"My dear, he's my son and he's here to take me home. But thank you so much for keeping a lookout for me and I must say that you have pretty good defence skills." Mr Anderson beamed at me while I still had a what-the-fuck-just-happened face.

Oh shit, so I just punched his son and said a shit load of crap.

The guy glared at me so hard that I thought his eyeballs might just fall out. And on a second look, I realised he was actually pretty good looking but oh wells he's a jerk.

"Umm... so I'm really sorry for punching you right in the face and talking bullshit about you but come to think of it you kinda deserved it because who told you to behave so suspiciously and grabbed Mr Anderson so harshly.  You should be glad that you still get to celebrate father's day because I could have done worse." I muttered the last part softly.

The guy just rolled his eyes at me and groaned "Whatever." before getting into the driver seat and slamming the car door. Mr Anderson turned to me and shot me a wide smile, "Hailey, I may have to leave early tonight and may not be able to turn up for the next few days. I apologise for what happened tonight and also for my son's attitude." I gave him a small smile before he went into the car and drove off.

I let out a deep sigh before getting back to the book store and continued with my work.

That's the end of chapter 1!! I'm not quite satisfied with this chapter because the way they met is just too hilarious and I feel that I've left out some details because I kinda really sucked at writing out details :'))) welp but do comment below if there's any errors (especially spelling and grammar errors LOL)

btw which country are you guys from?
I'm from Singapore hehehhe :))

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