Short 3

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Everyone sat in shock hearing him and he started laughing and stopped and looked at Khushi lustfully and licked his lips making Khushi cringe.

"The only women I love is Khushi...... And Arnav pushed her right into my arms when he release a video which caused Khushi to be harassed and I save her making me a hero...... I couldn't forget her and had to stalk her to Laxmi Nagar where I pretended to be an orphan and a bachelor....... I played my game and Madhumati and Garima finally found a way to get rid of her especially when I told them I didn't want a dowry..... They forced her but she refused until she come home one day and agreed to marry me and we were engaged...... I was so happy until she found out and broke our engagement and all because of this useless limp. " Shyam confessed looking at Anjali in disgust and shocking the entire family with the exception of Anjali, Arnav and Nk who pretended with Anjali not to know. "I tried to make her believe I was in love with her but she still rejected me and when I saw the spark between her and Arnav I couldn't stand it and cornered her....... I was shocked when Arnav confronted me but I was happy he didn't hear all of our conversation and lie to him. " Shyam smirked looking at Arnav who wanted to bounce on him but the ropes were too tight.

"Am so sorry Khushi...... I never knew you had to go through all of this....... Please forgive me. " Nani cried and Khushi glared at her.

"I will only forgive you if you make me forget all the trauma your grandson put me through....... All the time he made me sleep outside after our marriage..... All the time he abused me physically, verbally and emotionally...... I will only forget if you make me forget ever meeting him. " Khushi yelled shocking everyone except Nk.

Khushi turned to Arnav who looked at her with tears streaming uncontrollably.

"You hurt me and all for what....... All for the sister who already knew her husband was a cheat and already knew about my relationship with him. " Khushi revealed shocking all of them and Anjali looked at her shocked.

"Khushi what are you saying? " She asked innocently and Khushi shook her head at her and took the laptop and scrolled through it and played her conversation with Aman.

Anjali looked shocked and wondered how she got it but seeing the shock and hurt in her brother's eyes made her realize she had lost him for good.

Arnav was shocked his sister and his friend were plotting behind him and were the reason he maltreated Khushi.

"How could..... How could you do this to your brother when you know he loves her..... All of this would have been avoided if you and the Guptas hadn't hidden this from us...... Hey devi maiya what have I done. " Nani cried out in shame.

"You all hurt me....... The Guptas with the exception of babuji and Nk hurt me....... And I will make all of you pay dearly for it......... " Khushi exclaimed in anger sending shivers down their spines and they looked at the gun and gulped." Don't worry......  Am not a murder....... But there are other ways of destroying greedy and shameless people like you. "

Payal who for the first time felt remorseful looked at Khushi and knew she used their ego against them.

"You are really intelligent....... You knew our ego will feel happy seeing you beg us that's why you planned this dinner to bring us together to beg for our forgiveness....... You did good Khushi...... And thank you for making me realize this marriage was doom from the beginning........ Thank you for making me realize I lost a gem like you while chasing a facade...... Mami abuses both of us daily and right in front of them and yet I still worshipped her all because I wanted to be in her good book......... Thank you Khushi. " Payal said sincerely and turned to Akash who knew his marriage was over hearing his wife's words. "I want a divorce and please don't beg me to stay because you have done nothing worth staying for....... You watched your mother abuse us and did nothing because you are a born coward just like me...... And I deserve because I watched for years in silent as my aunt and mother abuse Khushi and never did anything because I was jealous of how babuji always admired and loved her and how strong she was and always found the good and happiness in the little things in life." Payal said to him and Akash started crying again knowing it was finally over.

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