Short 2

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In a beautiful mansion in a posh neighborhood, a lady in her early twenties sat in between her parent blushing at the intense look her fiance was giving her.

"Since there is no problem on both sides...... We can go ahead and ask the priest to set a date for the engagement and wedding. " An elderly woman in her late sixties said and everyone smiled with the exception of the groom's mother who is against the marriage because of the profession of the girl's father.

"Of course..... The sooner the better...... It's that right Amrita. " The groom's father asked his wife who rolled her eyes and glared at her husband.

"My opinion and choice doesn't matter to you or my son so why are you asking...... You and your son has already decided so please go ahead." Amrita said sarcastically and the soon to be bride looked down  knowing her mother in law will never accept her.

"Amrita...... Please let go off the past........ I know you are refusing to agree to the marriage because of your past...... Not all lawyers are the same........ My husband is an example of an honest and respectable lawyer........ He is not into anything shady. " Sonia the mother of the bride said but Amrita scoffed.

"All lawyers are the same...... Liars and destroyers........ My father and brother were framed by a lawyer and they lost their reputation, honor and everything they worked for because of a corrupt lawyer and since then I have hated lawyers because they are all the same and will do anything for money if it means destroying innocent lives and I will bet with my life your husband is no different and you know that so stop with the hypocrisy." Amrita cried and everyone felt her pain.

Rohan Roy felt a pang in his chest hearing Amrita's words and remembered a young lady he saw being forced into marriage.

A marriage he knew will destroy her life but he took it that he was just doing his job as the lawyer of ASR but today he is regretting seeing the pain in the eyes of Amrita and truth be told ninety percent of his clients were guilty people he made look innocent by twisting loopholes in their cases.

"Rohan..... Rohan! " A voiced called out breaking his trance.

He looked around to find everyone looking at him with worry and confusion.

"Rohan beta..... Are you alright?...... You zoned out. " Kabani the mother of Mr Roy asked in concern.

"Am sorry...... It's just that I was thinking about a case that has been taking too long to complete. " Mr Roy said and Amrita scoffed making the Roy's feel bad.

"Stop it maa. " Abhishek scolded his mother who glared at him.

Immediately he was done the maid entered with worry on her face.

"Soniaji...... The police are at the door looking for Rohanji. " She said confusing everyone.

"Let them in. " Sonia said and Amrita shook her head and looked at the Roys in disgust.

"What crime did you commit now? " Amrita asked and Mr Roy glared at her having enough of her rude behavior.

The police entered afterwards and the family looked on.

"Who amongst you is Mr Rohan Roy? " One of the policeman asked.

"I am. " Mr Roy answered.

"Arrest him. " The policeman said and two of the policemen went towards him and handcuffed him confusing the family and Amrita shook her head in disgust.

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