25 | Milly

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Part Twenty Six:
A Little Bit Messy

Feeling Jack's fingers graze the clothed skin between my legs, my breath hitched loudly in the back of my throat, and I jumped away from him as fast as my body could carry me.

"Could we maybe not go there?" I mumbled, chewing harshly on my lower lip as guilt ate at my stomach. On one hand, Jack was the guy I'd dreamt about for as long as I could remember, but then in another sense, I was so in love with his best friend that it wasn't even funny, and suddenly I was feeling nauseous for even considering agreeing to this date.

What the hell had I done?

Jack shuffled away from me as he ran a hand over his face in annoyance, sighing deeply as my chest heaved up and down, my heart racing. I gulped, turning to him with a frown.

"Whatever," he mumbled harshly as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Whatever? Was he serious? Was he actually mad that I didn't want to go there with him when we'd barely begun our first date?

"Wait," I scoffed, actually trying to hold back my incredulous laugh. "Are you seriously mad that I don't want you touching me like that?"

There was no hesitation as he snapped: "A little, yeah."

My mouth hung wide open as he continued, shrugging. "I don't get it, Milly. You'll let Trevor, a boy who isn't even your boyfriend fuck you senseless but you won't even let me, the guy actually taking you on a date, fool around a little?

"Is that what this was?" I asked, feeling my heart drop out of my butt at his words. Was he serious? Did he not know anything at all about what has happened between Trevor and I? Had Trevor kept it all from him? "You brought me here to fool around? To what? Get a little taste of what you assume Trevor gets?"

Nice to know he thinks of me so highly. That's all I was to these boys, apparently. An easy target.

"It's not an assumption, Milly," he rolled his eyes, and I seriously considered slapping him right across his much too pretty face, just for good measure. "I saw the condom wrappers in his bedroom, and I know my best friend, who you really hurt, by the way."

"Me?" I shouted, pointing a finger to my chest. "You're the one trying to get in the pants of your best friends--"

"What, Milly?" he cut me off, smirking at me coldly. "My best friends what?"

I didn't know what to do, what to say or how the hell I was supposed to respond to that. How was it that this day could possibly get any worse? I felt like I'd been pushed to the ground, had pulled myself back up, only to be pushed right back down again. Throwing the stupid hoodie back at his chest, I pulled myself from the trunk of his car, a scowl on my lips and tears brimming the bottom lashes of my eyes.

I wanted to hold my tongue, to be the bigger person and walk out of there with my head held high and my chin in the air, but to put it quite honestly, I couldn't. I couldn't take it anymore and I certainly wasn't about to be walked all over by another teenage boy.

So, I summoned my last remaining ounce of strength and turned back to the prick I knew as Jack Hughes with tear stained cheeks and a heart broken frown. "You know, I figured you might actually be different to me, Jack. But, I was wrong. You're an asshole looking for a quick fuck, just like he was."

His eyes were wide as saucers as I left him to stare at my retreating figure in pure shock. Good, serves him right. Dick.

With a heavy heart and tears that begged to flow freely, I held my breath, unlocked my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I found the only person I knew who would be willing enough to come and rescue me.

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