21 | Trevor

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Part Twenty One:
A Little Mistake

The following weeks had started off awkward. I didn't really know what to say to Molly in order to make her feel better about university in an entirely different state. However, after two whole weeks of trying to come up with ways to convince her that she should go, and not let someone she'd met in high school hold her back, I had finally come up with a plan.

Two weeks ago, she had opened her acceptance letter, a week later she had enrolled for the Early Admissions intake, and the day after, her mother had purchased two return flights to Massachusetts for the entire break.

Milly was still a little uncomfortable with the idea of moving away, but I had slowly been trying to convince her of the positives, bit by bit.

I couldn't hold her back. I absolutely could not. I'd never forgive myself, and I knew deep in the pit of my heart that one day things would change, and she may resent me for keeping her here.

She had to go, I wouldn't take no for an answer.

By the Friday before graduation, Milly had finally started warming up to the idea of spending her break overseas, and she'd talked my ear off about the amazing programs MIT offered for her, and where she saw her career going. It was obvious that once she broken past that initial shock of the whole ordeal, that she was beyond excited, and who the hell was I to take that away from her?

So, she had finally accepted that going to MIIT was what she wanted to do. All I had to take care of now was the attachment I had to her, and the attachment she had to me. Since sealing the deal, we had glued ourselves to each other hips. There wasn't a moment where we weren't either by the others side, thinking of each other, or looking for each other. I spoke about her constantly, and I think Jack was beginning to worry that I'd truly gone insane, or just fallen head first in love.

I couldn't be sure.

But, by Friday, a mere seven days before I was to graduate, I was positive that I really had lost my shit. I had lay awake all Thursday night, my arms behind my head as I brainstormed all of the ways I could cut mine and Milly's relationship off without losing her entirely. Letting her go completely was the last thing I wanted to do, but I was beginning to worry that was where all roads would lead.

What did I think was going to happen? I'd graduate, she'd keep being my . . . whatever we were until she graduated, and we'd continue our relationship long distance for the next three years? There was no way that was going to happen--time zones were a bitch, and I didn't think I'd last not being able to, well, at the very least touch her.

I'd grown accustomed to kissing her much too quickly, and now it was the first thing I did whenever I saw her, and the last thing I did when she went home for the day. Sure, we still told everyone else that what we shared was strictly platonic, but behind closed doors, we knew it was anything but. And now, I was supposed to just let that go?


I hadn't even told her I love her.

It came to me in a dream early Friday morning, the way I could sever the invisible string that tied Milly and I together without completely butchering our relationship, and her heart. I'd woken up with a determined urgency to see Jack, which resulted in texting Milly that I wouldn't be heading to school with her this morning, and earned me what I could only imagine was a disheartened pout as she woke up to a not-so-positive message from a usually positive boy.

I had spent the remainder of the morning convincing my best friend that I wasn't head over heels for the girl, and that she had been harbouring feelings for him the entire time. That it had been our plan to set him up with Milly all along. He blushed a horrible shade of red at the knowledge, especially when remembering the way he'd so often treated her in the past. Patting him on the back, I told him that it was okay, and that he needed to sweep her off her feet and go get his girl. I left his house with a sad smile and a heavy heart, wondering if I really was doing the right thing. At least this way, her feelings for the dark haired boy would resurface, she'd forget all about me, and if things didn't work out between them, at least she was moving to a different state.

Love and Other Chemistry ♡ Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now